(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
World Meteorological Organization
WMO Distributed Databases
The WMO Distributed Databases (DDBs) project, co-ordinated by the World
Weather Watch Department, has been developed to provide access to data that are needed
by WMO, and related international, programmes but not routinely exchanged on the
Global Telecommunications System (GTS).
This entry to WMO-DDBs is maintained at the World
Meteorological Organization in Geneva,
Switzerland (map).
This, version 1.1, is a prototype designed to test the feasibility of the hypertext
approach to providing access to this information. As a prototype it will be
subject to frequent changes and revisions.
Last updated 26 February 1996
The following centers and organizations are currently participating as WWW DDBs servers.
FTP Servers
- Switzerland, Swiss Meteorological Administration, Zurich
- General information, software, and meteorological symbols defined as a font library
- USA, National Weather Service, NCEP (formerly NMC), Suitland
- NCEP (NMC) observations, 12 and 24 hour Eta model forecast fields,
NCEP radiosonde station directory, NCEP BUFR tables B and D,
WMO DDBs file server naming standards, software (GRIB and BUFR encoders/decoders)
- USA, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville
- Various climate, satellite, field experiment and model output data sets
- WMO Secretariat (top level directory)
- Departmental and meeting documents and reports
(Documents directory) and operational publications
(wmo-ddbs directory) such as the WMO Master list of stations (from Pub. 9 Vol. A)
as a text file, WMO list of bulletins (from Pub 9 Volume C) as a text file, WMO
list of ships (from Pub 47) as a text file, and the WWW Operational Newsletter.
Gopher servers
- Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, NMC, Melbourne
- Forecast and climate products
- USA, NWS Telecoms Gateway, Silver Spring
- NCEP (NMC) message products, bulletins, station changes (for the USA and others),
Global Master Station List (USA version).
World Wide Web (HTTP) servers
- Météo France, Toulouse
- Météo France home page (in English) with pointers to forecast and climate products and current Meteosat images
- U.K. Met Office , Bracknell
- The Met Office Server provides access to general information, forecasts, etc. This link
points to their Web FTP index which provides pointers to copies of BUFR Tables B and D,
BUFR code and flag tables, and the Global Master Station List(UK version).
- USA, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville
- NCDC home page and pointers to various climate, satellite, field experiment and model output data sets
- USA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland
- NWS home page with pointers to forecast products and general information
- WMO Secretariat
- WMO home page and pointers to general information
To make suggestions or request further information, please contact