Computer Science Minor

Stepping into the Future

Some of the best paying and most abundant future job openings will be for computer systems analysts, computer programmers and computer software engeneers. If you are interested in becoming the "Computer Programmer" in yuor work group, the person everyone goes to when a computer problem arises, this is the minor for you.

What Qualifications Do I Need to Enter the Program?

What Specific Courses Are Required for the Minor in Computer Science?

Field of Study


The minor is open to all degree programs, and there are no prerequisite courses. The minor is a progrmming intensive course of study, and you will learn at least two programming languages. To start the program, you will have to take either CS 118 (Pascal) or CS 210 (FORTRAN) or have equivalent knowedge of either if these courses.

Specific Courses Required for the Minor in Computer Science

NumberNameCredit Hours
CS 118Fundamentals of Programming 3
CS 210Scientific Programming OR
Equivalent Programming Course
CS 115Computer Programming I 3
CS 215Computer Programming II 3
CS 211Computer Organization I OR
Equivalent Hardware Course
CS Elective(200-300 Level) 3
CS Elective(200-300 level) 3
Total Credit Hours 18

  • CS 118 - Fundamentals of Programming - You'll get a basic understanding of programming.

  • CS 210 - Scientific Programming - Basic understanding of programming with emphasis on scientific applications.

  • CS 155 - Computer Programming O - Problem solving methids and algorithm development using the most modern of languages.

  • CS 211 - Computer Organization I - Basic understanding of computer hardware and their principles of operation.

  • CS 215 - Computer Programming II - Emphasis on program design, style, debugging, especially for larger programs.

  • Filed of Study

    In addition to the required programming courses, the two electives will allow you to concentrate on a specific area.

    If you have an interest in computer hardware, consider:
    If your interest is in Artificial Intelligence, consider:
    If your interest is to become more proficient programmer, consider:
    If your interests is to prepare for the ERAU Master of Software Engeneering program (MSE) consider:

    For further information on the Computer Science Minor, contact Dave Sarchet, the faculty advisor.
    Phone: (904) 226-6614
    *Computer Science Department