Welcome to the Peter O'Connell Laboratory Breast Cancer Information Page

We would like to share some current laboratory results generated by breast cancer researchers in the Departments of Pathology and Medicine (Division of Oncology) at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. For your convenience, we have also identified additional breast cancer links on the World Wide Web.

Our interest in the field of breast cancer research centers upon the relationship between pre-malingnant breast lesions (i.e., benign ductal hyperplasia and dysplasia) and invasive breast cancer. We want to determine whether a subset of these "benign" lesions are in fact precursors to invasive breast cancer. If so, we hope to develop methods for identifing these pre-cancerous breast lesions, and hence to establish a means of identifying which patients may require treatment at the pre-malignant stage.

Current Publications . To read a particular article, click on its name. (Check back periodically: we will be adding new papers shortly.)

  1. V. Pekkel, M.C. Schmitz, Y.-Y. Yu, C. K Osborne, D.C. Allred, P. O'Connell. DNA isolation and pre-amplification from microdissected paraffin-embedded tissues for loss of heterozygosity studies. Submitted to BioTechniques.
  2. Peter O'Connell, Vladimir Pekkel, Suzanne A. W. Fuqua, C. Kent Osborne, and D. Craig Allred. Molecular genetic studies of early breast cancer evolution. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 32: 5-12, 1994.

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This page is maintained by Vladimir Pekkel, mailto: vladimir@mars.uthscsa.edu

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