2 Earley Gate, Whiteknights, PO Box 239, Reading RG6 6AU, UK
General enquiries
Electronic mail
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
2 Earley Gate
P O Box 239
Reading RG6 6AU
Main University switchboard +44(0)1734 87 5123
Departmental 31 8950
CGAM 31 8315
JCMM 31 6521
Departmental +44(0)1734 35 2604
CGAM 31 8316
JCMM 31 8794
Please check who is the best person to contact according to
the type of your enquiry. If you send an email enquiry to an alias
( for example, office@met.reading.ac.uk ) then you may have a faster
response than sending to an individual who may be away.
General enquiries
Research activities
Look under Research Groups or Meteorology
Departmental directory
New student enquiries
Look under
Undergraduate courses
Postgraduate courses
for more information or
Departmental research studentships
Undergraduate enquiries, BSc
Postgraduate enquiries, MSc
Master of Research, MRes
Higher degree, PhD
General staff enquiries
Look at the
Departmental staff
page for the person you need and then the
Departmental directory.
Names, room numbers, internal extension phone numbers and email addresses are all in the
Departmental directory.
External callers can find the telephone number from the internal
extension as follows.
Direct lines have extension numbers beginning with 6 or 8,
and the telephone number
is obtained by prefixing 31 to the extension. To contact other extension numbers, you
must phone the Main University switchboard +44(0)1734 87 5123
Departmental student directory
The Department of Meteorology is near the Earley Gate entrance
of the Whiteknights campus, which
is about a mile and a half from the centre of Reading, on the southern side.
Private Departmental Meetings
Journal Club
Local computing
Applying for resources
Return to the Meteorology home page
Last updated 15 March 1996. This page is maintained by