[Friends of the Earth]

[flag3] Become a Friend of the Earth

Our supporters are to thank for every success we score on behalf of the natural world.

They finance almost all of our work. When you consider what we are up against - governments, powerful industrial interests and the huge resources at their disposal - you can appreciate how important this funding is and how much it achieves.

We use all our supporters' contributions wisely. Less than 8% of our income is spent on administration.

"As the pace of environmental destruction accelerates, it's all too easy to get downhearted. Even to give up on it all! But we ARE making progress, and a better future IS possible. And that's where Friends of the Earth comes in. Its track record in developing positive solutions to all those problems - internationally, nationally and locally - is second to none. It's a real force for change in a world that's stuck in a dangerous rut. It's your support that makes this work possible - and it's needed now more than ever before."
Jonathon Porritt
Special Adviser to Friends of the Earth

Personal Details



I would like to donate:
 250 pounds      100 pounds     35 pounds
  25 pounds       10 pounds     Other Amount 
Payment Method: (Please make cheques/PO payable to Friends of the Earth)
 Cash            Cheque         Postal Order
 Mastercard      Visa           Access
 Card Number    Expiry Date 



I would like to pay by Monthly Standing Order (UK only):

Your commitment will help us plan our campaigns more effectively. No matter which way you decide to support us every penny counts in our fight for your environmental rights.

YES I'll give a monthly gift of:

    25 pounds ( )     20 pounds ( )    15 pounds ( )
    10 pounds ( )      5 pounds ( )     3 pounds ( )
        Other ______

   Name of my bank _____________________________________________
Address of my bank _____________________________________________
                   __________________________ Postcode _________

Current Account Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     Sort Code _ _ _ _ _ _

I would like my standing order to start in ___/___  (month/year)

         Signature ___________________________ Date ____________
Bank Instructions: Please pay the above amount on the 18th of each month to Friends of the Earth, Account Number 6500 6858, The Co-operative Bank Plc, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP, Sort Code 08 90 00.

Please print, sign & return the standing order form by snail mail to Friends of the Earth, FREEPOST, 56-58 Alma Street, Luton, Beds LU1 2YZ, United Kingdom (no stamp needed, but your stamp will help us save money).

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