The highbrow - not so many hot pixel clusters, but enlightenment - who is having sex online and what is being written about it?
The Safer Sex page features the most straightforward, no-nonsense condom use guide I have seen to date - with nicely-drawn cartoons and simple text. Besides this original work, there is a collection of blunt, hip online pamphlets about safe sex and healthy no-bullshit sexuality. In our society, with all the mixed messages tossed around about this potent subject, it's nice to see someone trying to be frank. In addition to the collection of pamphlets, there are user-contributable forums, strings of HTML posts about safe-sex related issues. In addition, check here for all condom and safe-sex related links lists.Take a survey - Geenz wants to know if you are looking for cunnilingus.Tell 'em Blake Wilfong sent you, if 'er you go to America's remembered bordello, the Chicken Ranch. From his Chicken Ranch FAQ, I gleaned an understanding of sanitary sex for sale, where before I had little. He's done a 33 woman study of the place, quite thorough and reasoned, considering the subject matter.I learned the latex lessen first hand when I caught a sexually transmitted disease.
Senator Jim Exon Memorial Page is actually thoughtful, exploring deviance and obscenity.- Raunchy professional humour, try a 37k file of Sexual Job Descriptions. From Bo Jackson to Beethoven "does it" on this page - Zippermakers do it on the fly, Scotsmen do it with Amazing Grace, Mathematicians have to prove they did it. There are so many entries here, a suspicious amount of hackers, physicists and mathematicians. Who's really doing it? A tad more subtlety would make this more memorable.
The voice of reason speaks, it is Jon Carroll. In his June 29 column, I've Met the Enemy; I Have Bad News, he preaches gospel on online porn. |
Those funky folks at New York's hip happenin' BBS-gone-web SonicNet have a Red Hot and Bothered Indie Rock Guide to Dating. Behind the front end imagemap are some touching testimonies, under the sex roundtable discussion (once you get past some of the New York self-stroking), and a guide to blowjob procurement, for both sexes. We all need a little more oral sex... |
Some raunchy fiction - really raunchy. These guys are prurient at heart: the Garrett County JournalGet the lowdown on sexual stimulants - my drugz page has a sex drugs and aphrodisiacs survey - I'm the guinea pig! Real live sex! I can vouch for it - check Chandra and BCG and STD. In case you thought only straight white guys are getting off online - check out FaT GiRL "the zine for fat dykes and the women who want them." Three issues are featured here, little more than the table of contents. From the early issues, only a comic and a list of diet industry contacts for flaming, of course. Otherwise, they have links to FAQs, fat sites, and lists of local and national fat/lesbian action/zines, what have you. I used their title bar trick for a few days, it's a pain on the reload. They seem to be updating their site, so check here for the latest in large lesbians. (7/11/95)
only on the net: equal time for pedophelia The other side of the coin was downed due to popularity. The PedoSexual Resources Directory attempted a positive casting of pedophelia. They must have struck a chord, 400,000 hits in a month brought them down. Check out my Shuttered Sites section. The painful underbelly of sexuality is revealed in the No More Victims archive site. NMV is a moderated mailing list that encourages anonymous discussion by perpetrators and potential perpetrators of pedophelia. I was really blown away by a poem by a sexually abusive father in the first back issue. Reading these archives is quite an experience. While the bile in your mouth might rise reading about abusers, you'll quickly notice that they were often abused themselves. This page is committed to breaking that cycle. If you are doing research on abuse, you might find their page of links useful. Otherwise, tap in for a powerful, and productive use of the net to tackle an often insurmountable issue.(3/95)
- With some huge .gifs, and an unabashedly simple tone, Frederic Goudal has created "a child book for adult" The Gentle Place (available in a french version as well). The story is under-developed, perhaps, but there's nudity here! Actually, it's pretty surreal. Coupled with 350k gifs, and requests for translators, the whole thing is actually pretty absurd.
- Celebrating self-stimulae, the World Wide Wank claim themselves as the stuck together web pages. Harold Palms, the subtle web conduiter of the Council of Masturbation Educators (COME), has collected more masturbation missives than you can stroke a bone at. He's put up a few of his organizations emissions, as well as links to other efforts online. Pretty self-serving site, all in all.
- Sexual hipsters - Urban Desires features sexy materials with a polished grit sensibility. Four issues to date, covering books and food and music, in addition to modern sexual method. I liked Confessions of a Sexy Sloth, preaching individual indulgence, and they covered some other freak named Justin. (4/3/95)
How pure are you? There's a 100 Question Purity Test for Non-Virgins to satisfy your urge for introsextion. Run the sexual gamut by checking boxes to answer yes to questions like "have you ever used another kind of inanimate object for penetration (cucumber, beer bottle, anything)?" or "have you ever had sex outdoors in direct, unshadowed sunlight?" or "have you ever fondled a pre-pubescent when you were post-pubescent?" Send in your answers to recieve a percentage evaluation of your sexual purity. I turned out 61% sex100 pure - or better yet, 39% sex100 corrupt.(down six points in the last few months!). See if you can beat me! | ![]() I've got a woody by Chandra Kreuzer |
Yes, we've been turned into a free 1-900-jack-off sex line by our ever resourceful shack-hacks! On Thursday, someone got the bright idea to use the masturbation feedback form as a chat line. All these people logged on and must have given themselves severe carpal tunnel hitting reload because we got over 1000 posts in one day to that one page. That's posts -- who knows how many voyeurs there were hitting ctrl-R over and over waiting for someone to post the next torid line. We had to split the whole thing off into its own section because people who weren't in "chat" mode were getting their long, artful posts wiped off the board in seconds. Silliness! The best thing of all was that there is an incredibly strong correlation between people who said they are uh.. participating, and the number of typos in their messages. These folks have the art of keyboard panting down cold! Uh, hot! Uh... nevermind.Whee-Hah! You haven't experienced the wild and sticky web until you've tried the Communal Stall (formerly the Real-Time Masturbation Forum) by Smut Shack creators biancaTroll Productions. Using a forms browser, you can post masturbatory missives to a page that accumulates them over the space of an hour. As fast as people can type in new messages, and you can reload the page, you can experience near-real-time virtual masturbation sessions.
This originated as a forum for discussion of auto-erotica, and some innovative surfers turned it real-time. The traffic got so high, they archive the forum every hour. This is excerpted from e-mail to me from Dave Thau, a core shack-head:Noted Futurist Howard Rheingold has written an article Why Censoring Cyberspace is Dangerous & Futile. He explains briefly why censorship online is impossible. But rather than just popping off, he provides some well-reasoned thoughts on how to help kids understand uncensored content, with an anecdote from his own experience. The crux of his argument comes down to this final quote: "how do we teach our children to live in an uncensorable world?" Howard is asking the right questions here.
Hundreds of synonyms for condom are available in the Sheath File. My favourites: dong sarong, crank tank, hog holster, insecurity blanket, jissim prison, Brooke Shields, manhole cover, and trouser trout salad sandwich. Hundreds more! Three columns worth! And, they have added a sheath file FAQ, for info on adding your own. (4/3/95) Another sexual survey is available through the Travels in Hypermedia project. Pornography and the Sexual Aesthetic of the Net brings an academic title and a few questions to the debate. There are a few articles on the subject of sex online here, but not as much substance as I had initially suspected. A good start asking the right questions, but I am left wondering where to find the answers. Sexual Dispatch! Freedom on the wane! Carnegie Mellon University moves to ban erotic newsgroups! Information on this case and others is available on my Legal Beat page. For a high-brow sexy sensibility: Libido has reproduced two issues online. I had a good surf session here - the fiction was good, the photos were fresh, the short bits were interesting, and it included fasinating gems like this brief article on Sex Research Banned by the Nazis, with pictures and an explanation of sexological research being done in Germany before Hilter and his minions put a stop to it. There is as well a page of Picasso's Erotic Gravures, erotic pictures by the master himself, in his inimitatable style, along with the story of this erotically charged interlude in his career. After my initial visit, I noticed they'd posted a second issue, so they are posting occasional fresh content here. (7/11/95)
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