Contacting this Underground Linker

If you're lookin' for somethin', you might want to check out site specifics, especially the faq.

I must warn you ahead of time that while I read everything I get, I am not able to respond to all my mail these days.
Recent computer tragedy, I lost most of my mail between November '95 and February '96.
Also, if you mind me printing your letter here, let me know - otherwise, be forewarned, it could show up somewhere.
I appreciate the feedback, my pages are doubtlessly the better for it.
To plug into the LfromU e-mail feed
Try Lists from the Underground

To write me with comments
Write me with "Comment" somewhere in the subject line
To suggest a link, a site, some pages
Try adding your link to LfromU Interactive, cuz I like to view them better that way, and other users can share too!
Write me such that the word "link" appears somewhere, anywhere, in the subject. But, for gosh sakes, describe the site you're sending me - both in the subject line, and the message. Distinguish yourself!
To site a broken link, or misspellign
Please be sure to note the page that contains the link or offending word when you write me with "fix" somewhere in the subject line.
To talk sex
Write me with "sex" somewhere in the subject line
I will not send you erotic pictures or movies.
Bear in mind that I am not harbouring any erotic ftp sites - so please do not ask me for them. What you see is what you get.
To ask for advice
Write me with "advice" somewhere in the subject line
To ask about HTML or page publishing
Write me with "HTML" somewhere in the subject line.
To ask about Domains
Write me with "Domain" somewhere in the subject line
To have me speak in person
I love to talk.
To correspond via post
send me something tangible to play with:
Justin Hall
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081

Links from the Underground

the latest feechurs link lists life publish yo'self J'sLfromU share the load welcome!

Justin's Links from the Underground /
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <>