Visited Daytona between March 8 and ?? 1996.

Mom hooked me up with George's condo just south of Daytona Beach, Florida, actually Ponce Inlet.
8 march, 1996
transit was weird
I had dinner with my stepsister Stephanie, her son Gabriel, her friend Yolan and Yolan's son La-something.
The women were both corporate lawyers, we spoke of structural inequality and income distribution over salmon and pasta.

the first bike week nite was fuckin' crazy.

I carried a camera with me the whole time, check back sometime for my action photos!

trip | life | Links from the Underground

new! | feechurs! | link lists! | life! | publish! | J's LfromU! | share the load! | huh?

Justin's Links from the Underground /
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <>