We have example networks ranging in size from 3 machines to perform a specific task to 150+ machines being used in a school environment on a daily basis and making use of a wide range of network formats.
We can help you decide on the suitability of Fibre Optic Links capable of joining two remote external sites together up to a distance of 1Km. Perhaps your requirements specify two sites 250 kilometers apart easily done with WAN bridge interfaces used with a lease line.
Basic networks make use of either 10base2 or 10baseT each of these wiring styles have their advantages and disadvantages both in technical terms and suitablity to building layout.
When a number of work areas need to be connected over a short distance or in groups then 10base5 or Thick wire cabling may be suitable.
For further information about Atomwide Network Services please contact us either via post fax or phone or using.
Technical queries to :-support@atomwide.co.uk.
Network Consultation to :-network@atomwide.co.uk.