(The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)
The Acorn A4000
Click here to download a picture of an A4000. (File size ***K)
A more professional style unit with separate computer, monitor and keyboard units. Aimed at the older student and secondary schools the A4000 has a built in 80 Megabyte (now available in 105 Megabyte option) Hard drive and two Megabytes of memory which are expandable to four. The bi-directional Centronics interface and the serial port alow a wide range of peripherals to be connected, including printers, scanners and digitisers. (These peripherals can also be connected to the A3010 & 3020 in the same manner.) The netowrking port is standard, with an optional Econet connection. As with the 3000 series, the A4000 has a built in expansion slot for connection and video cameras, scaners etc.
The A4000 comes complete with either the 14" AKF30 256 colour RGB analogue monitor or the 14" AKF30 256 colour VGA monitor. The A4000 also has a built in 1.6 Megabyte Floppy Disk Drive. The A4000 is an A3020 motherboard surrounded by a three part system (computer, monito and keyboard). In essence an expanded A3000 series machine capable of handling all classroom and home needs.
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