hide random home http://www.hotwired.com/registration.help.html (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

I'm Having Trouble. Help!!!

Having trouble with the registration process? Below are a few pointers that may help you ease your way into HotWired.

If this document doesn't answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact the HotWired Human Interface by email -- the address is support@hotwired.com. Please make sure to include your HotWired member name (if you have one), as well as the email address you used to register your account and your access key (if you received one).

Still have unanswered questions? You can speak directly to our Human Interface (or her voice mail, anyway) by calling +1.415.222.6300 between 10 AM and 5 PM Pacific Time (GMT -0700), Monday through Friday.

HotWired is Broken!

If some part of HotWired seems to be malfunctioning, you may have found a bug! Please report such problems immediately to the HotWired Extermination Team at bugs@hotwired.com. Please make sure to include the complete URL for the page on which you discovered the problem!

Common Confusions

Your Verification Number Is Not Your Password, Your Password Is Not Your Verification Number
You should only enter your password in a field that asks for your password. You should only enter your verification key in a field that asks for your verification key. The easiest way to remember the distinction between the two is that you create your password. We create the verification number and send it to you in an email message.

The Netscape Bug
If you enter an incorrect password, older versions of Netscape Communications Corporation's Netscape browser ignores the error message and retries the password request without notifying you. All you, as the user, see are two messages at the bottom of the screen: "contacting host" and "retrieving data".

Please, if you use Netscape, and you see the messages at the bottom of the screen described above when you try to log into HotWired, with no progress report of a download or change in the screen, you must quit the program immediately! The current versions of Netscape do not have this problem, so please upgrade your browser to avoid further problems.