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Retail price list (January 1995)

All prices listed below are including VAT. We also do special prices for Education and Site licenses. Please contact us for further information.

NB: We are still constructing these pages so please bear with us. Those products which have individual pages have links to those pages in the price list. Click on the product name for further information.

Product                   Price Description
----------------------- ------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Prime Art                £49.95 An art package for home and education.
Prime Word               £49.95 The easy to use WYSIWYG word-processor.
Prime Mover  New!        £69.95 Real-time animation for home and education.
Prime Solver             £69.95 Fun yet educational mechanical puzzles.
Prime Art Display Kit    £24.95 Display your own slideshow.
Map Importer  New!       £35.19 Converts Ordnance Survey digital map data to !Draw
Desktop Office           £49.95 The intergrated suite for the Acorn.
Eas!Word                 £29.95 The easy to use text-based word-processor.
Home Accounts            £34.95 For helping you to control your finances.
Multistore               £79.95 A powerful, all purpose database.
FlexiFile                £29.95 A simplified version of Multistore.
GraphBox                 £49.95 Create amazing graphs at the click of a button.
Ancestry                 £59.95 The ultimate in computerised genealogy.
Atelier                  £34.95 The definitive Acorn art package.
Keyboard Trainer         £49.95 A new enjoyable method of learning the piano..
Business Accounts        £79.95 The professional accounting package.
Timetabler              £581.63 Solves all your timetabling problems.
Cadet                    £99.95 Easy to use CAD for home or education.
ProCAD                  £581.63 The professional CAD package.
GraphBox Professional    £99.95 All the graphs and stats you could need.
Linkword French          £39.95 An exciting new way of learning French.
Linkword German          £39.95 An exciting new way of learning German.
Linkword Spanish         £39.95 An exciting new way of learning Spanish.

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