
Volvo's European Delivery Program

Just over 30 years ago, the Volvo European Delivery Program was created in order to meet the needs of travelers to Europe, along with military and diplomatic personnel who wished to have their new Volvo automobiles delivered throughout the world, as their individual work or vacation plans dictated.

Since that time Volvo has delivered over 200,000 vehicles via our European delivery locations and a worldwide direct shipment program for military and diplomatic personnel.

We at Volvo are sure you will appreciate the flexibility and savings (of time and expense) provided by the European Delivery Program as you travel free of the restraints of scheduled transportation and rental cars, in your own Volvo.

The following information is provided to assist you in determining if a Volvo European Delivery fits into your upcoming travel plans.

Ordering Procedure
Order your new Volvo from the person who knows Volvos best - your local Volvo dealer. We recommend that your order be placed eight to ten weeks prior to arrival in Europe.
Your dealer will assist you in completing an order specifying the desired model, color, accessories, delivery date, location and fill out the required European vehicle registration form and place a small deposit. You will receive written confirmation of your order from Volvo Cars of North America in approximately 15 days.

It's as simple as that! Select your choice of model and color and determine a suitable location for beginning your European travel, and Volvo will see to the rest.

Insurance and Registration
You may order comprehensive European insurance and tourist registration for up to twelve months. Liability insurance is valid in all European countries except Albania and the Russian republics. Outside of Western Europe, liability insurance applies to Israel, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey. In most European countries your export plates will be valid for the period of insurance. (A minimum of two weeks insurance is required to obtain registration.)

Delivery of your new Volvo can be arranged free of charge at the official Volvo Delivery Center at our factory in Gothenburg, Sweden. If you prefer, delivery can also be accomplished at any one of approximately a dozen delivery centers throughout continental Europe and Great Britain at an additional cost.

Upon arrival at the delivery center, present your passport and order confirmation to identify yourself. One of our delivery specialists will explain the features of your Volvo. He or she will present you with the following: Bill of Sale, Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, Warranty Booklet, Volvo European dealer list, as well as registration and insurance documents.

Should you elect to take delivery at our Gothenburg delivery center, free transportation is available to the delivery center from the city center, ferry terminal or your hotel. Upon arrival, have a meal in the Volvo dining room, or freshen up with a shower prior to beginning your travels. The Gothenburg delivery center is equipped with a test track for your convenience. Familiarize yourself with your new Volvo on the test track without the worries of traffic and unfamiliar roads. During your stay in Gothenburg, we would be happy to arrange a guided tour of the Volvo production facility.

Gothenburg is one of Sweden's largest port cities and offers frequent ferry service to Germany, England, and Denmark. As you travel through Europe you may do so secure in the knowledge that you are driving one of Europe's finest automobiles - backed by Volvo's European service network as well as a 24-hour road service program - Volvo Assistance Europe.

The new Volvo that awaits you in Europe is designed to perform reliably and comfortably - wherever your travel may take you. On behalf of the entire Volvo European Delivery staff, we look forward to welcoming you to Europe.

Home Shipment
When you are ready to leave Europe, the convenient Volvo Home Shipment Program will ship your U.S. specification Volvo at no additional cost from Gothenburg, Antwerp or Bremerhaven to New York, Baltimore, Portsmouth, VA, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, or Tacoma, WA.

You may also select from one of 20 other drop-off points in Europe at an additional charge. This offer is valid for all European delivery vehicles within 36 months of confirmed date of delivery. Volvo's Home Shipment Program includes the following items without charge: European receiving, handling and documentation; transportation of your car from one of our three free drop-off centers to the ship; steam cleaning in accordance with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; ocean freight, marine insurance and U.S. Customs duty (U.S. Customs duty not included on Diplomat or Military sales).

Volvo Home Shipment centers are open Monday through Friday during normal business hours for your convenience. No prior arrangements are necessary for return shipment activities so you are free to decide where to leave your Volvo for shipment at the time you are actually ready to leave Europe.

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