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Summary of The Inventor Mentor - Chap 4

Chapter 4: Cameras and Lights

Cameras and Lights are the Inventor node classes that allow you to see the objects that you create in your graph. They are relatively intuitive; Lights provide the lighting for your scene, while Cameras provide the viewports to see them from.

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The Camera class allows you to define a view of the scene. There are two kinds of Camera nodes: Orthographic and Perspective. The Orthographic Camera class allows you to define cameras that do not preserve perspective, which can be useful for designing objects; Perspective cameras provide a more natural way of viewing scenes.

All Cameras have fields allowing you to set:

When a camera is encountered during traversal of a scene graph, Inventor figures out the volume of "space" that the camera covers (based on the angles it includes and the clipping planes), and doesn't draw any objects that aren't in that space. This space is called the "view volume".

You can orient a camera towards a specific object, using the pointAt() method, or examine an entire scene using the viewAll() method.

Perspective Cameras provide one additional field: the vertical angle that the camera covers. By contrast, Orthographic Cameras instead have a field for the *height* of the volume that the camera should cover. Thus, Perspective Cameras have (more or less) conical view volumes, and Orthographic ones have rectangular prisms for their view volumes.

You can have multiple cameras in a scene, and switch between them dynamically. However, only one camera may be active at a time, and it must come before the objects it is to view.


Like Cameras, lights should come before objects in the scene graph, and each illuminates only the objects that come after it.

There is a base class of Lights, and several subclasses: Point Lights, Directional Lights, and Spotlights.

All lights have several fields, indicating

Point Lights are basically balls of light at a particular point; they have one additional field, a location, and shine equally in all directions.

Directional Lights are like sunlight: they are infinitely far off, and shine in one specific direction. They have one additional field, the direction of the light.

Spotlights are like real-world spotlights. They have a location in the scene and a direction of focus, as well as a falloff rate (indicating how much they are focussed on one spot) and a cutoff angle beyond which no light goes.

You can have an arbitrary number of lights in a scene.

Mark Waks

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