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Summary of the Inventor Mentor

Summary of The Inventor Mentor

This is a summary of the book called The Inventor Mentor written by Josie Wernecke.

The Inventor Mentor
Programming Object-Oriented 3D Graphics with Open Inventor, Release 2
by Josie Wernecke
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
ISBN 0-201-62495-8

These documents provide an overview of the book and cover some of the basic concepts of Open Inventor. Since the Open Inventor file format might be used as a basis for the Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) the people listed at the bottom of this document summarized the book for the convenience of others on the www-vrml mailing list.

John Barrus <barrus@merl.com>
Gavin Bell <gavin@sgi.com>
Mark Waks <justin@dsd.camb.inmet.com>
Sarah Ferguson <snpf@ugcs.caltech.edu>

Summaries converted to html by John Barrus

On to Chapter 1- Overview