(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
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ASAP - General information and services
Compiled by Tim Sherratt ( for ASAP. Last revised 9 December 1994.
Published on the Web through ANU Social Sciences WWW Server (Coombsweb), by Coombsweb Multimedia Publishing Services.
- A general introduction to ASAP - our history, our staff, what services
we offer.
- What are the archives of science?
- Well, I mean, haven't you always wondered? A description of the sorts of things we're trying to preserve and make accessible for researchers, and why.
- ASAP's Archival Processing Services
- A detailed description of the services ASAP offers the corporate world. If you don't think your own organisation's records are very important then read this! Includes a summary of ASAP's innovative ADS processing system.
- ASAP publications
- A list of ASAP's published Guides to archival collections.
22 different titles at last count!
- Some recent articles by ASAP staff
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