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The J.R.R. Tolkien Information Page

The J.R.R. Tolkien Information Page

Click here to download a (much nicer) black-and-white gif of this picture. And click here for copyright information.
This is a page which I've been working on since November of 1993. I'm trying to get together a page containing references to net resources concerning the works and life of J.R.R. Tolkien. Any information you have would be helpful. If you have a URL to an information resource, or a suggestion, or just feel like saying hi, please mail me.

It is possible that what you are reading right now is a local copy of the JRRT page, which might be out of date. The original, which is stored at the University of Waterloo in Canada, is here. This version was last updated on 6 April, 1995.

On 22 December 1993, I gave a talk to a group of research librarians about this page. Notes on the talk are here.

The Tolkien Page was brought to you by Eric_Lippert@uwaterloo.ca

I'd also like to thank Martin Titz for his work on the Hamburg FTP Site, William Loos for his work on the FAQs, and everyone else who has taken the time to add value to the Internet.