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Global Schoolhouse Project

Linking Kids Around the World

The Global Schoolhouse Project was a technology demonstration project funded in part by the National Science Foundation. The project was designed to demonstrate the potential of high speed Internet connectivity in the public school classroom.

The Global Schoolhouse Project officially ended on December 29, 1994. The content of these pages will continue to be updated through March, 1995 to contain final reports on school projects, reports from the project administrators, and the project evaluation (April, '95).

The teachers involved in the Global Schoolhouse Project are still on-line, so please feel free to contact them about their experiences and any new projects in which they may be participating.

Many thanks to all our sponsors, and to our hard working teachers and students! ******
The Global Schoolhouse is a project funded in part by the National Science Foundation and supported by many local and national businesses. The project consists of connecting schools and students nationally and internationally using the Internet and modeling classroom applications of Internet tools and resources. Collaborative research is conducted between the schools and students interact via using a variety of Internet tools including live video conferences using Macintosh and (80386/80486 based) personal computers. (The live video image may be transported either over the Internet or voice telephone circuits with the audio being transported only by phone at this time.) This year's Global Schoolhouse partner schools are from California, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia. Global Schoolhouse affiliate schools (schools that have adopted the Global Schoolhouse model) include schools in Washington and Australia.


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