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HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language

Welcome to the Library of Congress page on HTML Resources: standards, validation, guides, editors and filters, and advanced HTML features. This page is under construction..

HTML Specifications, Standards and Validation

HTML Specification (Current - 2.0) (via HaLSoft, Austin, TX)

HTML Public Specification (Current - 2.0) (via HaLSoft, Austin, TX)

HTML+ (Proposed Specification 3.0) (Stanford University)

HTML Validation Service (Dan Connolly and Mark Gaither, HaLSoft, Austin TX)

HTML DTD (Document Type Definitiion) (HaLSoft, Austin, TX)

Annotated HTML DTD (CERN, Geneva)

HTML Guides and Documentation

A Beginner's Guide to HTML (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

A Beginner's Guide to URLs (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

Composing Good HTML (James "Eric" Tilton, Willamette University)

A Crash Course on Writing Documents for the Web (Eamonn Sullivan, PC Week Labs)

Elements of HTML Style (J.K. Cohen, University of California, Irvine)

How to Write HTML Files (University College Cork, Ireland)

How to Write HTML (Stanford University)

HTML and URL Documents Collection (Indiana University School of Music)

HTML Developer's JumpStation (Barry Greene, Johns Hopkins University)

HTML Documentation (Ian Graham, University of Toronto)

HTML Documents: A Mosaic Tutorial (Wm. Dennis Horn, Clarkson University)

HTML Elements CERN, Geneva

HTML Overview (O'Reilly & Associates)
Includes info on autoflowing and autowrapping, HTML tag syntax, document construction guidelines, hyperlinks, linking to points within a document, URLs, lists, graphics, and sample HTML documents.

HTML Quick Reference Guide (Michael Grobe, University of Kansas)

HTML: The Complete-ish Guide (Sunil Gupta)

HTML Templates for NASA Organizations (Daniel McCoy, I-Net, Inc.)

HTML Tutorials from the Online Help Desk Univ. of Colorado, Denver

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) RFC (Tim Berners-Lee et al., CERN)

"The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide Web: Raising ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability" Jeff Barry, Public-Access Computer Systems Review, No. 5 (1994): 5-62)

An Information Provider's Guide to HTML (Nathan Torkington, Victoria University of Wellington)

Learning to Publish through the Web (University of Texas)

Outline Index to HTML Documentation (Peter Flynn, University College Cork, Ireland)

Special Characters in HTML (Hard-Coded) (Johan Svensson, Spird-Web)

Special Characters in HTML+ (Entities) (Indiana University)

Special Characters in HTML: ISO8859 - Table (Hard-Coded and Entities) (Martin Ramsch)

Special Characters in HTML: ISO Latin 1 Character Entities (CERN, Geneva)

State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues and Applications (V. Balasubramanian, Rutgers)

Style Guide for a WWW Hypertext Database (Tim Berners-Lee, CERN)

Yale's World Wide Web Style Manual (Yale University)

HTML Authoring Tools, Editors and Filters

HTML Authoring Tools and Editors (University College Cork, Ireland)

HTML Converters (Stanford University)

HTML Converters (Barry Greene, John Hopkins University)

HTML Document Editors (University of Toronto)

HTML Editors (Stanford University)

HTML Editors (Barry Greene, John Hopkins University)

HTML Easy Starting Point (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
A forms-based page that builds a home page for you and saves it to your local disk

HTML File Generation/Conversion (CERN, Geneva)

List of HTML Tools for the Macintosh (Grant Neufeld, Carleton University, Canada)

Index of Authoring Tools and Filters for HTML (Austin Meredith, Northwestern University)

List of Filters to Convert Existing Documents into HTML (Rich Brandwein and Mike Sendall, CERN)

List of HTML Filters and Editors (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

Review of Four HTML Editors for MS Windows (Gabriel White)

Tools for WWW Providers (Tim Berners-Lee, CERN)

HTML Editor Software Packages

HTML Author/Editing Software for the Macintosh

BBEdit HTML Tools for the Macintosh (Lindsay Davies, York University, UK)

BBEdit HTML Extensions for the Macintosh Page (Carles Bellver, University Jaume I, Castelló , Spain)

BBEdit HTML Extensions Software (Carles Bellver, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló , Spain)

SHE: Simple HTML Editor for Macintosh (Eric Lease Morgan, North Carolina State University)

SHE: Simple HTML Editor for the Mac (Hypercard Stack) (via CERN, Geneva)

HTML Editor for the Mac (via CERN, Geneva)

HTML Writer for the Mac (Jon Wiederspan, University of Washington)

HTML Writer for the Macintosh (Carleton University, Canada)

HTML Author/Editing Software for MS Windows

HoTMetaL for MS Windows (via CERN, Geneva)

HoTMetaL for MS Windows (Softquad, Inc.)

HTML Assistant (via CERN, Geneva)

HTML Assistant Software (MS Windows HTML Editor - zipped file)Howard Harawitz

HTML Assistant FAQ (MS Windows HTML Editor) (Howard Harawitz)

HTMLed for MS Windows (via CERN, Geneva)

HTML Writer for MS Windows (Brigham Young University)

HTML Author/Editing Software for Unix and Other Platforms

EMACS Editor for Unix (Nelson Minar, Santa Fe Institute)

HTML Text Editor for X Users (Nick Williams, City University, London)

NextStep Editor (via CERN, Geneva)

Advanced HTML Authoring Tips and Features

Advanced HTML Features: CGI, Forms, Imagemaps, Transparent Images, Perl Scripts, etc. (Stanford University)

"Fancy Stuff": WAIS, Forms, Clickable Maps, CGI, Gateways (HaLSoft, Austin, TX)

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Manual (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

AppleWebSearch (Mac CGI) (University of Texas, Houston

Clickable Image Maps (Russ Jones, O'Reilly & Associates)

HTML Forms Stanford University

Overview of Forms on Mosaic (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

Mosaic Forms (Barry Greene, Johns Hopkins University)

Making an MPEG Movie (Enterprise Integration Technologies)

Transparent GIF File (small) (Adds blank spaces in an HTML document)

Transparent GIF File (large) (Adds blank spaces in an HTML document)

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