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NASA K-12 Internet Initiative

Welcome to Quest!
Home of NASA's K-12 Internet Initiative

B E W A R E  O F  F A L L I N G  L I N K S ! 

Our mission: To provide support and services for schools, teachers and students to fully utilize the Internet, and its underlying information technologies, as a basic tool for learning. We are supported by the NASA Information Infrastructure Technology Applications (IITA) project and the High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC) program. K-12 Internet Initiative projects are supported by NASA centers around the country.

What's New here at Quest | Quick Overview

Put your students in touch with NASA scientists, researchers, and engineers.
Participate in exciting Online Interactive Projects.

Looking for $ $$ ? Grant Information beats Lotto every time!

What's the point of all this net.stuff anyway? Find out how using the Internet
in the classroom supports education Reform and Restructuring.

Want to bring the net to your school? Don't know your URL's from your FTP's?
Need ideas for net.classes? Find out all about
Using the Net in School

Looking for other teachers and kids to collaborate with? Find out
Which Schools Are Online.

There's more, lots more. Don't forget the universe of other
NASA Online Resources.

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K-12 Internet Intitiative Staff pages

This NASA K-12 Internet Initiative Web site is written and maintained by Steven Hodas (hodas@nsipo.nasa.gov), with help from Chris Tanski and Chris Bero.

Responsible NASA Official:
Mark Leon


Server activity reports are available.