hide random home screenshot http://rainer.bnt.com/vvv.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

What is Versatile Virtual Vending (VVV)?

General Overview

The VVV virtual store software system was developed with the intent of providing a front end for a retail ordering system that is intuitive to use for the customer and secure. It is implemented around the http protocol. This decision was made because of the protocol's flexibility, the cross-platform compatibility that such a protocol ensures, and the rapidly growing number of users with access to World-Wide-Web clients (also referred to as browsers). While it was originally developed for the retail grocery market, it is easily adapted to any online ordering system.

We invite you to visit our Demo of VVV, Wanes Online Grocery. Enjoy.

A more detailed Spec Sheet is available for those who would like more information about this product. To receive this information by email, send a message to vvv@bnt.com.

Our demo has been up and evolving since September, 1994. In that period we have received many valuable comments from users who have taken the time to let us know what they think. Take a look at what they had to say and leave us your own thoughts if you like.

The VVV software is copyright David Messner and is exclusively marketed, distributed and protected by BizNet Technologies.

DigiCash's Ecash

Stores created using VVV are by default ecash capable. We think this technology will benefit any online market. At this writing ecash is still in the beta test phase, but we are confident that it will soon be a utilizeable technology.

For more information on DigiCash and it's ecash products, see the DigiCash ECASH home page.