hide random home screenshot http://raptor.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~dalewis/frisbee.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

The Frisbee Page

This is my (new and revised) contribution to disc and the 'net. But I'm not the only one with this idea. (That means click on that link to go to a page full of links to other pages. Just thought I'd be explicit. ;) I know, it's not colorful or fancy, but it'll get you there.

General Disc Info

Ultimate Frisbee newsgroup
Basically, it's a lot of posts from Ultimate players all over the nation regarding everything from tournaments to throws to the UPA (Ultimate Players Association).
Teaching Forehand
A neat little doc about how to teach a forehand. The techniques inside are pretty good. I've adapted the original to make use of WWW's capabilites.
Ultimate GIFs!!
I've got enough that they deserve their own page. If you find any more, just let me know...I like the interface I've made, and some of the pictures are pretty cool.
9th edition rules (amended)
This is just the preformatted version, if you want to see what it looked like before Hypertext. However, I recommend the Hypertext. To download your own copy of the rules, click here (Well, okay, only if your browser is configured freakishly, but theoretically...).
9th edition rules (amended)(hypertext)
George Ferguson has done an *excellent* job converting the rules to Hypertext. This is simply a pointer to his creation. Lots of thanks to him for saving me a lot of work ;). I've had problems accessing it sometimes, but that may just be me.
UPA Tournament Formats
George Ferguson strikes again, this time providing a list of UPA tournament formats for any number of teams.
Internet Disc Shoppe
This is pretty cool. It's a place where organizations can put discs up for sale. It doesn't cost anything to get a couple discs, with pictures, up, so you've gotta love it, right? So take a look and browse around. Remember, this isn't a disc company, but individuals and organizations putting their own discs up. (Earlier today (2/10/95) I couldn't connect)
Pickup Games
This is a list of pickup games, referenced by state and/or country.
SOTG Committee
The web pages of the Spirit of the Game Committee.
Ultimate FAQ
Hilarie Orman is now the maintainer of this beautifical document.
UPA Home Page Prototype
This newborn project should grow into something quite impressive. If you can help, email ho@cs.arizona.edu.
UPA Contact list
This is the list Eric Simon posted to the net. I've added mailto: URLS, so that you only need to click on the name and it'll start composing mail to that person.
The Unofficial PADA Home Page
Brian Canniff (whose disc home page is below) constructed this unofficial resource for the Philadelphia Area Disc Alliance.
British Ultimate Federation Disc Events Diary 1996
Although this link goes to the diary for 1996, the page itself has links to 1995 and 1994, as well as a contacts list for UK Ultimate. This archive is maintained by Sam Neilson.
Guts Frisbee Mailing List
You can subscribe to this mailing list by sending "subscribe gutsfrisbee-l" in the body of a message to majordomo@mtu.edu. If you don't know what Guts is, subscribe!! I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you.
Josh Hayes's Disc Golf Page
What seems to be a pretty indepth page with courses all over and, plus, general disc golf info.
Disc Golf informational sheet
This page, put together by Juliana Korver at Iowa State isn't as in depth or GIFfy as Josh's up there, but, hey, it's quick to load!
Ultimap Locator
Come here to use George Ferguson's awesome method of finding teams. It holds a registry of teams in all countries (who have registered), which you can search by text or by clicking on an imagemap of their location. Dang cool.
Comprehensive list of Ultimate Frisbee Internet sites
Chucky's put together a massive project to collate all the disc pages around the world. If it's on the net, it's here.

Dave Lewis
Swarthmore College Swarming Earthworms