(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
(Note: This page is also available as a
condensed menu for frequent users.)
The archive of Science Fiction and Fantasy that currently resides here
at Lysator is
a collection of texts I have saved from USENET since somewhere about
summer 1985. It is mostly reviews and list of different kinds, but
also some other stuff that I've found interesting for this or that
The order may not be the best, and early texts may have their header
stripped or weirdly transformed (I did not know better then), but I
hope these texts may be of some use to you.
Please, feel free to mail me with any opinions you have on this archive,
even if it is such small a matter as a typo in these index files. Remember,
English is a foreign language to me, and I love any opportunity to
improve my grammar and vocabulary.
Mats Öhrman
About the Archive
Only the index into the archive is in hypertext format, as
reformatting the many Mbytes in the
archive is simply to much work for too little gain. I hope you will
overlook this.
I try to update the archive regularly.
If it hasn't been updated for some time, blame my Master's Thesis for
it. (I still save everything, it simply hasn't been sorted
and inserted into this archive yet). The
current size and other statistics varies accordingly, of course.
If you think something is missing, please contact
Please note: This is an archive of things
people has sent to the net or directly to me. Don't blame me for
factual errors. Corrections sent to me will
be appended to the incorrect file in question. I do
not change other people's texts.
I am currently experimenting with making the
archive searchable. Hopefully this
will aid you in finding the information you are looking for.
The Main Contents
The texts collected about authors are mostly bibliographies, lists over
what books they have written, but there is also some biographic
information, views on their writings as a whole, etc.
The texts about books are almost entirely
reviews of some kind. They have been sorted by the authors name. Books
with multiple authors are mostly under one of the authors. I have not
been that systematical when doing this. Sorry.
I've not been as diligent in collecting texts about
movies as I've been with books, but
there are nevertheless some texts here for you to read.
This is the electronic version of the British newsletter
Ansible, published by Dave Langford.
Belated Reviews
Dani Zweig is currently writing a series of reviews of "classical"
SF and fantasy works.
Cyberspace Vanguard
Cyberspace Vanguard is an electronic newsletter edited by
T. J. Goldstein.
DargonZine is a "Shared World" project, where several people write
stories set in a common world, and publish those in an electronic fanzine
that is posted to the net.
First Impressions
A monthly reading diary by Glen E. Cox
Jwenn's Bibliographies
John Wenn posted a series of bibliographies to USENET. They are
already included in the texts under "Authors" above, but if you want
them separately for any reason, they may be found here.
MT Void
The MT Void is a weekly fanzine edited by Mark
and Evelyn Leeper.
is a review fanzine published by Chuq Von Rospach.
30 issues were sent out on the net from 1986, until it went "hardcopy only"
in 1991.
Publishers' Newslists
Two major publishers, Del Rey and Tor are
posting newslists on Internet; a much appreciated initiative.
is an electronically produced and distributed magazine of
science fiction and fantasy, published by Daniel K. Appelquist.
It is published both in an ascii and a postscript version. It is the
ascii version that is available here.
Raymond's Reviews
Raymond's Reviews
was a series of short reviews written between January 90 and
April 92 by Eric S. Raymond.
Swedish Fandom
Here you will find texts from and about Swedish SF fans, such as
different fanzines in swedish, courtesy of Ahrvid
Note: Information about
(The Linköping Science Fiction Association) is kept separately by
Tommy Persson, and there is a
Blake7 archive
kept separately by Calle Dybedahl.
I've also collected some lists that have come over the net during the
The A-Z list
is a big, but now more and more outdated, list of sf/fantasy books. It
dates from 1985, and I've kept it mostly out of nostalgic reasons: It
was the first item I saved from USENET.
The Alternate Histories list
lists books within that subgenre of science fiction.
The Transformations list
describes books that in some way contains transformations of
people. The list is maintained by Mark Phaedrus.
The Science and Magic list
contains books that bridges the gap between SF and Fantasy, containing
elements from both.
The SF in Music list
list musical works that have SF or Fantasy references of different kinds.
It is maintained by Rich Kulawiec.
I hope to put together a list of publicly available fiction here. Currently
you will find a short story anthology by Charles Stross. Tell
me if there is anything you want to add here.
Text about creating SF- and Fantasy-related material. It does not matter
whether it is about writing, illustrating or editing.
This is intended for sample artwork from SF/Fantasy fan
artists/illustrators. Please contact
if you want something added
here. For copyright reasons I only accept artwork directly
from the artist.
Sample Art
A small exhibition of works by different artists.
There are of course
lots of other places
to visit out there on the net. Here are some that are relevant to SF/Fantasy.
The Linköping SF&F Archive /
Mats Öhrman /
26 Apr 95