(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
PDS Home Page
All data has been classified as GTDA by
the US Department of Commerce.
Welcome to the PDS
The Planetary Data System (PDS) archives and distributes digital
data from past and present NASA planetary missions, astronomical
observations, and laboratory measurements. The PDS is sponsored by
NASA's Office of Space Science to ensure the long-term usability of
data, to stimulate research, to facilitate data access, and to support
correlative analysis.
PDS Hot Topics!
PDS Organizations
Central Node
Planetary Plasma Interactions Node
Small Bodies Node
Planetary Imaging Node
Rings Node
and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Node
Catalogs and On-Line Data
- Introduction
- Central Node
- PDS Data Set Catalog - Provides
high-level information about PDS data sets and an ordering capability.
- PDS Atmospheres Data Sets - Lists Atmospheres data sets available on-line at the Central Node and provides ftp access to them.
- Atmospheres Node
- Geosciences Node
Magellan Standard Products Catalog (login as "mgnuser" with password
"?magellan") - Catalog for locating and ordering Magellan MIDRs, BIDRs,
- Image Retrieval and
Processing System (IRPS) (login as "pds_remote") - System provides
on-line access to high- and detailed-level catalogs of data products
from planetary missions relevant to the geosciences discipline.
- Planetary Imaging Node
- Planetary Plasma Interactions Node
Other Services
Submitting Data to the PDS
Related Pages
Below are WWW resources related to planetary data or the Planetary
Data System. These Web resources are not maintained by the Planetary
Data System but are listed here for your convenience.
Web Page Curator: Jean Mortellaro, JPL
Responsible NASA Official: Susan K. McMahon, PDS Project Manager,
Contact Information: Tina Pauro, PDS Operator, (818)306-6130,
Fax: (818) 306-6929,
Last Updated 4/14/95