hide random home screenshot http://taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil/skips_home.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Skip Carter's World-Wide-Web Home Page

Skip Carter

Department of Oceanography

Naval Postgraduate School

    Skip's Home Page 
A Nice color image of the Great Wave. GIF or JPEG

Everett (Skip) Carter        Phone:  408-656-3318 FAX: 408-656-2712
Naval Postgraduate School    INTERNET: skip@taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil
Dept. of Oceanography, Code OC/CR  UUCP:     ...!uunet!taygeta!skip

Monterey, CA. 93943


I have received occasional reports of problems displaying my html pages. I try to make sure everything will work with no problems. I test all of my pages from another machine. But since taygeta and my test site use the same version of the software, not everything is caught. Please e-mail me the details of any problems you encounter, and I will do what I can to fix them.

I am using Mosaic V2.4 for display, and am running httpd V3.0pre6.

++ Usage summary, brought to you by you!


Skip's Home Page HyperTable of Contents

* Things local to taygeta
+ Remotely available things.

* Ada Stuff
* Misc. C++ Classes Available
* Digital Filter Information
* Forth
* Kalman Filter Information
* Neural Net Information
* Objective Analysis code
* Orchids (Culture Sheets, etc. )
* RAFOS Float processing code
* Random Number generation information
* Simulated Annealing Information
* Stochastic Differential Equation Information
* Some TeX Style Sheets
* Ocean Acoustic Tomography page
* Barry Warsaw's C++ RPC/XDR Package (slightly enhanced by Skip)
* Mayan Moudgill's C++ TCP Socket IOStreams Package

Remote Resources (+)

NPS Oceanography & Meteorology Departments

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