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Objective Analysis Software

Objective Analysis Software


The following is my Objective Analysis code for the analysis of scalar fields. There is both a FORTRAN version and a (rather crude) C version. I have included sample drivers for both and a sample input data set. The code is a shell packaged as a shell archive objan.sh

There is a Makefile for building these programs, you may need to change the compiler names and the paths depending upon your setup. (For testing I'd suggest changing the various directories to . -- the current directory).

The FORTRAN version is heavily commented, and the C version follows the flow of the FORTRAN version so using the code should not be too difficult. The theory and the algorithm are documented in:

Carter, E.F. and A.R. Robinson, 1987; Analysis Methods for the Estimation of Oceanic Fields, J. Atomos. & Oceanic Technol. V. 4, No. 1, pp. 49 - 74

   Everett (Skip) Carter              Phone:  408-656-3318 FAX: 408-656-2712
   Naval Postgraduate School          INTERNET: skip@taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil
   Dept. of Oceanography, Code OC/CR  UUCP:     ...!uunet!taygeta!skip
   Monterey, CA. 93943                TELEMAIL: s.carter/omnet

Skip Carter's home page