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Virtual Library

Educational Technology

Information categorized by subject.
Maintained by TECFA. Please click here for more information on this WWW-VL, or if you want to register a page or if you have any other comments.

Table of Contents

  1. Hot Topics & Announcements
  2. Search the Web for Topics of Interest
  3. Educational Technology
    1. Index & Service Pages for Educational Technology
    2. Educational VR (MUD) page, SEPARATE PAGE.
    3. The Web & writing WWW courseware
    4. Education Technology Journals
    5. Education Technology Conferences
    6. Educational Software
    7. Programming, Hypertext, Multimedia & other fun
    8. Publications On-line
    9. Research Projects
  4. Education SEPARATE PAGE, including: Education on the Net Indexes * Distance Education Projects * Education Subjects on the Net * WWW & Gopher Reference pages for education * Education Journals * Reference * Mailing Lists.
  5. Related Fields
  6. Institutions & People SEPARATE PAGE, including: Academic: Educational Computing * Academic: Computing/New Technologies * Academic: Cognitive Science/Psychology/HCI * Academic: Education * Academic: Others * Organizations * Government * Commercial: Software Vendors * Commercial: Services * People * Jobs.

Hot Topics & Announcements

Search the Web for Topics of Interest (up to Contents)

Since many people are not aware that the Net (including the Web) can be searched in various ways, here is some encouragement: Note: you need a form supporting client for the following links!

Educational Technology

This is in principle the most important section, but practice decided otherwise for the moment (I hope!!). Every now and then I will try to "round up" a topic.

Index & Service Pages for Educational Technology (up to Contents)

The Web & writing WWW courseware (up to Contents)

Note, that almost any home page has pointers on clients, servers and on how to write WWW (html) pages. This is our page.

Check also the sub-page Education on the Internet.

Educational Software (up to Contents)

Educational Technology Journals (up to Contents)

Educational Technology Conferences (up to Contents)

Programming, AI, Multimedia, Hypertext & other fun (up to Contents)

This subsection will be unbundled when it grows.

Publications On-line (up to Contents)

Research Projects (up to Contents)

Please also consult directly the Institutions & People page.

Related Fields (index pages)

(how far should/can this grow??)
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Tecfa Home Page - Daniel K.Schneider