hide random home http://tecfa.unige.ch/info-www.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

WWW & Internet manuals, Demos

GOTO ... Tecfa Home Page Tecfa Unit Educ. Tech. Information Servers University of Geneva WWW Help

This list is *not* exhaustive, please check also General Indexes, the help button on your client, etc. It needs work like all our Index pages, so use with care!

Table of Contents

  1. Search the Internet
  2. Internet & WWW News
  3. How to use the Internet (general)
  4. General indexes about the WWW
  5. WWW Indexes for WWW providers (somewhat updated)
  6. Other Internet Tools
  7. Why do we need information systems?
  8. Interesting Stuff built on Top of the Web

Search the Internet (Up To ToC)

Internet & WWW News (Up To ToC)

  1. WWW conferences
  2. Newly announced pages, WWW-related Newsgroups
  3. Evolution of the Web, W3 research, stats, discussion, etc
  4. Publications:

How to use the Internet (general) (Up To ToC)

  1. Swiss Internet Providers
  2. General Index Pages
  3. Introductions to the Internet
  4. Teaching how to use the Internet

General Indexes about the WWW (Up To ToC)

  1. Alternative index pages for the World Web
  2. Introductions to the World Web

WWW Indexes for WWW providers (Up To ToC)

General TOOLS and "how to" Indexes (Up To ToC)

  1. The WEB Developer's Virtual Library (European Mirror). Best site for my needs (D.S.). Example: try to find something about databases elsewhere.
  2. The WWW Help Page. Indexes some of the BEST "how-to" sites and tutorials.
  3. Webreference.com. An other top site.
  4. Tools for WWW providers, the MIT (w3.org) page. (This site has also a list of WWW clients - part of the MIT (ex-CERN) WWW Software products page.)
  5. THE WEB DESIGNER A very good resource! (includes most everything) Design Station. A very good resource (PC and Mac oriented)
  6. The Art of HTML HTML & Web Development Resources, A very good resource page for WWW information providers (also useful for beginners!).
  7. Computers and Internet:Internet:World Wide Web:Beginner's Guides at Yahoo (has good pointers for beginners)
  8. WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation Maintained by SingNet and hosted by OneWorld Information Services
  9. Falken's Maze (Cyberspace tools and updates) - good and concise summary of software available.
  10. Nikos Drakos 'Repository. Many good pointers for WWW providers (and a lot of useful other information).
  11. "Web Site...To Go! A commercial offer ?
  12. HTML Documentation A complete Index (long alphabetical list)

Writing WWW (html) pages (Up To ToC)

  1. HTML manuals (some introductory)
  2. Tables
  3. Quick Reference
  4. The HTML standard
  5. Style Guides
  6. Filters & Generators(*->www->*)
  7. Filters we use and that work
  8. Tools to write html
  9. Image Processing
  10. Client specific Information
  11. HTML and Anchor Checkers
  12. Other (than HTML) formats
  13. Characters and Colors

Forms, Maps, Server-Side scripts & WWW databases (Up To ToC)

  1. Maps and Maps Tools
  2. Forms & Server Side Scripts Please, also look at the general "Web Providers" Indexes.
  3. Server-side scripts
  4. Gateways(some locally used)
  5. Virtual Libraries, UR*s and Databases
  6. Various Scripts(see also: Interesting Stuff built on Top of the Web)

WWW Client & Server Software, Various tools (Up To ToC)

  1. Various
  2. Clients
  3. Servers
  4. Specific Server/Client Related Extensions
  5. Server Statistics

Other Internet Tools (Up To ToC)

Why do we need information systems? (Up To ToC)

This section should grow, there are (still) people to convince, e.g. see what's available at Geneva University...

Interesting Stuff built on Top of the Web (Up To ToC)

More recent stuff on top (oldest links are OLD!)
Daniel Schneider