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IAI Home Page External

IAI - »Institut für Angewandte Informatik«

University of Wuppertal

Welcome to the WWW home page of the Information System of the Institute of Applied Computer Science of the University of Wuppertal. Our information system is primarily based on WWW and you have direct access into our system via the following hyperlinks:

University of Wuppertal WWW server at IAI

The primary language spoken in the IAI WWW is german. Informations for system administrators frequently are written in english.


For members of the university there exists a WWW page with links to international internet resources.


More Information

You may also access our ftp archive wmfiz1.math.uni-wuppertal.de. Local users - inside the University of Wuppertal - may access our local newsgroups also.


Hans-Jürgen Buhl (webmaster@math.uni-wuppertal.de)