hide random home screenshot http://www.bu.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

SCV The SCV World-Wide Web

Welcome to the Scientific Computing and Visualization Group's Web server. The official Boston University server has moved and is being maintained by others. However, stay tuned to this address for information about: and much more.

Getting Started

This server is part of the World Wide Web, a World-wide, hypermedia, networked information system. Single click on any highlighted phrase to follow a link to a different document. To try this out single click here. You are likely viewing this document using NCSA's Mosaic multimedia document viewer. Here is NCSA's Mosaic home page.

Here are some good starting points for web exploration:


This information server is under development. The information provide here is being actively worked on and comes from many sources. It may not necessarily be complete or accurate, nor always up-to-date. If you find something which is incorrect, please send us Email and we will try to get it fixed.

This page written and maintained by Glenn Bresnahan (glenn@lobster.bu.edu)

(Last updated: 10:33 09-Apr-95)