(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Drums and Percussion Page
The Drums and Percussion Page
Welcome to the Drums and Percussion Page!
Please feel free to make suggestions, or even better,
Either way, enjoy your stay.
- Announcements
additions to these pages, new web resources, events, etc.
Last updated Apr 17, 1995.
- Message Board
check here if you've sent me something and haven't heard back
- Grooves
the groove archive (drumset and hand drums)
- People
drummers and percussionists on the net
(Hey! Add yourself!)
- Organizations
drum and percussion related organizations
- Places
where to find us (drum shops, drum circles, etc)
- How To
various how to guides
- Info
FAQs, encyclopedia, method books, companies, etc.
- The Drum list
mailing list for drums and percussion
- Drummer Jokes
read if you dare...
- Other Sites
more percussion/music related sites to explore.
last modified Wed Apr 12 08:44:16 PDT 1995