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University of Illinois Education Learning Resource Server

UIUC Learning Resource Server

Welcome to the Learning Resource Server (LRS) at the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The LRS is a suite of servers that distribute and mediate electronic learning resources for K-12 teachers and students, pre-service teachers, education faculty members and educational researchers. It is an effort supported by the Teaching TeleApprenticeships research project, which also serves the instructional, research, and service missions of the College of Education.

Learning Resources

  • LRS support documents

    Searchable documents on the LRS

    Some document collections on the LRS Gopher server have been indexed using AppleSearch. Click here to go the the LRS AppleSearch Page

    This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. RED-9253423.

    Created: July 7, 1994 by MJS
    Updated: February 5, 1995 by MJS
    Updated: April 18, 1995 by PMB