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IMB Jena Mosaic Home Page

Welcome to the IMB Jena World Wide Web Service.

(Make connections by clicking the blue text - disrupt the connection process, for example, if it is too slow, by clicking the rotating globe).


Local information:

Image Library of Biological Macromolecules (IMB Jena)

Notations, Properties, and Images of the 20 Standard Amino Acids

Images of the Standard Nucleotides and of Watson-Crick Base Pairs Including Numbering

The Standard Genetic Code

WWW2GCG Interface to GCG (designed by Marc Colet) (Password required)

Contents of the Nucleic Acid Database (Rutgers) (March 9, 1995)

Protein Data Bank list of idcode and compound name (March 26, 1995)

Tools for Molecular Modeling and Sequence Analysis available in the IMBJenaNet

Upcoming Meetings

Bioinformatik - Computereinsatz in den Biowissenschaften, Jena, 5. - 7.9. 1994


IMB Jena Archive (including the Software Archive)

Zeitschriftenverzeichnis der Campusbibliothek Beutenberg

IMB Jena Phone List (Telefonverzeichnis)

Europe and the global information society - Recommendations to the European Council

* * * NEWS (local) * * * (April 12, 1995)

* * * NEWS (general) * * * (September 23, 1994)


Global library:

General topics:


(Electronic) Journals, Books, Bulletin Boards, Software Documentation:

UNIX and more:


Software and Hardware Vendors:


WWW-Server in Deutschland und Österreich (in Germany and Austria)

WWW Servers of the World


The IMB Jena Gopher with links to other biogophers:

IMB Jena Gopher


Search Engines:

WWW [including Gopher (Veronica, Jughead)]


Usage Statistics


IMB Jena, Biocomputing, POB 100 813, D-07708 Jena

F. Haubensak, (e-mail: hsk@imb-jena.de) - Computers

J. Sühnel, (e-mail: jsuehnel@imb-jena.de) - Biology and Computers