(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites
Here is my list of sites that appear to distribute technical
reports. It is not very complete or up to date, but I would appreciate
any input anyone can give me to make this list more useful. I would
like to thank everyone who has sent in their site's techreports
archives (keep them coming). In particular, I want to thank the
following people for sending me their personal lists:
- Natalie Sipes <>
- Bob Krovetz <>
- Ralph Berg <>
- Alf-Christian Achilles <>
- Richard Clayton <>
Thank you also to the Department of Robotics and Digital Technology
here at Monash University,
who are supplying the disk space and CPU power for the archives.
Some changes have been made to the archive format for the posted
version. The 'email' field has been changed to 'mail server' to reduce
confusion about what this field was for. Several new fields have been
introduced, namely 'http', 'wais' and 'gopher'. If you know of sites
that are in the list, and also have their data available by http, wais
or gopher, please let me know, and I will add them. Also, if you know
of sites that only make their data available by http, wais or gopher
(and as such, wouldn't have been in the list), also let me know. In
fact, let me know if you know of anything not on this list that should
be :-). Since the site data is one-off, and fairly low volume compared
to the abstracts list, just send it to me in any form that's
Please feel free to send feedback about these changes. If you are
not already reading this file via the World Wide Web, you can now
access it with the url:
"". The next step is to
get the abstracts lists linked to the sites list (and vice-versa) via
the World Wide Web.
There are now over 280 sites in the sites list.
Time to keep this project going is getting more and more scarce. I
haven't done a proactive update of either the sites list or the
abstracts database for a long time. I'm still making time to update
the lists when people send me data, though. If anyone has any ideas
about how I can distribute the load, or any volunteers, I'd love to
hear from you. I suspect eventually, I'll have to give the project to
someone else completely, though after putting so much work into it, I'd
like to avoid that if I can.
I have put together an archive of University technical reports
(abstracts and title lists, not the reports). If you have any lists or
abstracts of University techreports (or other Research type papers) I
would love to hear from you. I have now collected information for over
10,000 technical reports. Over 2,300 of these reports have full
You can access the archive via WAIS with the database cs-techreport-abstracts.
If you are willing to put your data in the form I use in my database,
as specified in:
or it is easily converted (refer, or many other field-oriented
formats), and can be made available for ftp, then your data can be
automatically inserted into the database without any user
intervention. This means you don't have to wait for me to add your
files, and the data will always be up-to-date. BibTeX is not currently
easy to convert. I'd like to hear from anyone who is willing to spend
some time with my BibTeX converter getting it into shape. Send me some
mail if you are interested.
I have available most of the archive I am currently working on. To
access this, anonymous ftp to, and look in the directory
pub/techreports. Any comments, questions, etc to me.
Please don't mail to these people (or me) asking for technical
reports that are not on this list or "some information about the
blah-blah-blah discipline." We do what we can to make reports
available. If it's not on this list, then I probably don't have any
information on it.
For all ftp sites, unless noted otherwise, log in as
, or ftp
and give your email address
as the password.
Data collected and software written by Rik Harris