CMU Lycos (tm)
Accesses per day

This chart shows the number of accesses each day to the Fuzine and Lycos servers. The second line shows the number of Lycos searches for each day (counting only queries, not initial accesses).

The total access count is much higher because a WWW page is typically composed of a single text file and several image files or icons. On November 17th the Lycos home page was simplified by combining 4 icons into a single image, thus reducing the number of accesses per search.

On December 6th, Pursuit was modified to reject new queries when the system load average exceeds 10.0 (for the big catalog) or 15.0 (for the small catalog). See graph of searches and too busy responses.

Over the Christmas holiday, the CMT was off the net for most of Monday, Dec. 26 and Tuesday, Dec. 27, resulting in abnormally low totals for those days.

On Saturday, January 21st, the two main machines died around noon, and even the log file for the main machine was lost that day. So the totals for 1/21/95 are artificially low.

These totals include accesses to the,,, and servers.

See also usage statistics

up to the Fuzine server.

Copyright © 1995 by Carnegie Mellon University
Last updated 24-Jan-95 by