CFD codes list


This is the most recent version of the list. Converted version of this document is regularly posted to sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics newsgroup.

I will be happy to hear about codes/links/sites not included in this list. Please, e-mail me directly or post to the newsgroup. Each contribution should contain short description of the method, availability, author, etc.

                            Tomasz Plewa
                            Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
                            Warsaw University Observatory

Mirror sites

   Wayne Christopher
Italy Massimiliano E. Rizzi

Wayne maintains also two other lists which are mirrored in Europe:

   CFD books (U.S., Europe)
   CFD Home pages (U.S., Europe)


   May 08, 1995

News EnSight / CEI Inc. Software for 3-D Fluid Interfaces (TVD/AC)


commercial (not freely available)
shareware, freeware, other

Foil 1.0.2
SSIIM (3D water and sediment flow)
PPM -- Piecewise Parabolic Method (DE and LR versions)
LCA codes for astrophysical simulation and visualization
General Relativity NCSA group (black hole evolution)
NACA airfoils
ARSoftware (TEP: a combustion analysis tool for windows)
NASA NAS (fluid mechanics and heat transfer)
College of Marine Studies (sci.geo.fluids models)
MOM (Modular Ocean Model)
Roe solvers (CLAWPACK library by Randall LeVeque)
Fluent Inc. (Fluent/V4, Fluent/UNS, Rampant, Nekton)
HEATING (a multdimensional heating conduction code)
PHI3D (3D FEM Navier-Stokes code)
HYDRO (2D Lagrangian hydrodynamics code)
Flowtech Int. AB (SHIPFLOW: analysis of flow around ships)
Fluid Dynamics International, Inc. (FIDAP)
CIT Thermoflow AB (CALC-BFC)
CFDS Inc. (CFDS-FLOW3D: 3D fluid flow/heat transfer code)
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc. (SINDA/FLUINT, SINAPS)
ICEM Systems Inc. (ICEM CFD, Icepak)
KIVA (reactive flows)
PHOENICS/CHAM (multi-phase flow, N-S, combustion)
CFD Research Corporation (ACE: reactive flows)
Computational Dynamics Ltd. (Star-CD: reactive flows)
Analytical Methods, Inc. (VSAERO, USAERO, OMNI3D)
STSWM (Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model)
FCT (Flux-Corrected Transport)
AeroSoft, Inc. (GASP)
Ithaca Combustion Enterprises (PDF2DS)
NSC2KE (N-S finite-volume Galerkin 2D code)
Flow Science, Inc. (FLOW3D)
Adaptive Research Corp. (CFD-2000)
Engineering Mechanics Research Corp. (NISA)
Reaction Engineering International (BANFF/GLACIER)
Combustion Dynamics Ltd. (SuperSTATE)
AVL List Gmbh. (FIRE)
IBM Corp. catalogue (30 positions)
Sun Microsystems catalogue (70 positions)
Cray Research catalogue (100 positions)
MDA Engineering, Inc. (GRIDGEN - structured grids)
Scientific Services, Inc. (N3S Finite Element code, MUSCL)
Directory of CFD codes on IBM supercomputer environment
Advanced Scientific Computing Ltd.
FEMLAB (2D FEM with automatic error control)
Collection of CFD codes for ship design
Silicon Graphics, Inc. catalogue (75 positions)
Riemann Problem Package
CHAMMP repository (s-w equations in spherical geometry)
NACHOS (NACHOS - FEM for incompressible flows)
FMS-1D (Fluid Modeling System)
Flomercis Inc. (FLOTHERM)
Computational Mechanics Corporation
NPARC Flow Solver
Computational Mechanics Company, Inc. (COMCO)
KASIMIR (shock tube simulation program)
Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LS-DYNA3D)
Advanced Combustion Eng. Research Center (PCGC, FBED)
NUMECA International s.a. (IGG, EURANUSturbo, ...)
Computational Engineering International., Inc. (EnSight, ...)
Software for 3-D Fluid Interfaces (TVD/AC)


link to UIFLOW

Article: 177 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Richard Hilson /
Subject: UIFlow and Post3D
Date: 29 Apr 94 12:23:14 -0800

I got a copy of the 2D CFD code *UIFlow* from NCSA for the Mac. It seems to work For those who are interested, UIFlow can be found in ( in the file /mac/uiflow.

Foil 1.0.2

link to Foil

Article: 193 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Robin B. Lake /
Subject: Airfoil Program for Mac Available
Date: 3 May 1994 00:34:46 GMT

I happened across a program in the info-mac archives at today. To my surprise, it turns out to be: "This is the ReadMe file for Foil 1.0.2, a Macintosh airfoil generation and display program. Foil 1.0.2 is System 6/7 happy, meaning it should run equally well under both systems. Foil is free, but not public domain. I retain all rights, and it may not be distributed in modified form, or without any of the files. Since it's free, please read the file "A Note About the Author".

SSIIM (3D water and sediment flow)

links to SSIIM:,

>From Nils R. Olsen /
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 21:38:53 GMT-0100

MODEL PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE SSIIM is an abbreviation for Sediment Simulation In Intakes with Multiblock option. The program is made for use in River/Environmental/Hydraulic/Sedimentation Engineering. The main motivation for the program is to simulate the sediment movements in general river/channel geometries. This has shown to be difficult to do in physical model studies for fine sediments. The program solves the Navier-Stokes equations with the k-epsilon model on a three-dimensional almost general non-orthogonal grid. The grid is structured. A control volume method is used for the discretization, together with the power-law scheme or the second order upwind scheme. The SIMPLE method is used for the pressure coupling. The solution is implicit, also over the boundary of the different blocks. This gives the velocity field in the geometry. The velocities are used when solving the convection-diffusion equations for different sediment sizes. This gives trap efficiency and sediment deposition pattern. The model has a user interface with capabilities of presenting graphical plots of velocity vectors and scaler variables. The plots show a two-dimensional view of the three- dimensional grid. Three plots showing the geometry from above, in a cross-section and in a longitudinal profile are available. In addition it is possible to simulate particle animation for visualization purposes. The model includes several utilities which makes it easier to give input data. The most commonly used data can be given in dialog boxes. Several of the modules in the program can be run simultaneously as separate threads. This exploits the multi-tasking capabilities in OS/2. There is an interactive graphical grid editor with elliptic and transfinite interpolation. Grid and some of the input data can be changed during the calculation. This can be useful for convergence purposes, and also when optimizing the geometry with respect to the flow field. AVAILABILITY The program is freeware and can be downloaded from the following addresses: - "" from the directory "/pub/os2/ssiim". - "" from the directory "/pub/os2/2_x/educate" OPERATING SYSTEM: The program runs only under OS/2 2.x. CONTENT OF SSIIM13.ZIP - "readme.ssi" : readme file - "changes.23" : a summary of the most important changes from version 1.2 to version 1.3 - "manual.wp" : User's Manual, written in WP5.1 - "ssiim13.exe" : executable file, optimized for the 486 processer - "ssiim13p.exe" : executable file, optimized for the Pentium processer In addition there are input files for four examples. The examples are further described in Chapter 5.3 in the User's Manual Nils Reidar Olsen E-mail:


Article: 380 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Zlatko Rek /
Date: 31 May 94 07:51:15 GMT

PORFLOW - a model for fluid flow, heat and mass transport in multifluid, ======= multiphase, fractured or porous media Analytic & Computational Reasearch Inc. 3106 Inglewood Boulevard West Los Angeles CA 90066 (213) 398-0956

PPM -- Piecewise Parabolic Method

Colella, P., Woodward, P.R., 1984, J. Comput. Phys., 54, 174.

PPM is high-order (3/2), shock-capturing Godunov-type method. Before using PPM take a look at some papers, and read infomation about DE and LR versions.

Direct Eulerian version

Tomasz Plewa
Warsaw University Observatory
Date: 10 Jun 94
link to DE version
DE version is generally accessible through WWW ftp link.
Please, let me know if you have no access to WWW server.

Lagrangian Remap version (1)

Greg Lindahl
University of Virginia
Date: 29 Jun 94
link to LR version

Lagrangian Remap version (2)

Virginia Hydrodynamics-1
Theoretical Astrophysics, Dept. of Physics
Date: 03 Apr 95

LCA codes for astrophysical simulation and visualization

Thanks to Robert Fiedler / LCA

Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
5257 Beckman Institute
405 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
INTRODUCING THE LABORATORY FOR COMPUTATIONAL ASTROPHYSICS The LCA is a joint venture between the NSF, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and the Department of Astronomy at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Its purpose is to develop and disseminate numerical algorithms and community codes for CFD, primarily for astrophysics. The LCA currently provides the following packages: * ZEUS-2D: a one- or two-dimensional (moving) Eulerian grid code for radiation magnetohydrodynamics. * ZEUS-3D: a one-, two- or three-dimensional explicit (moving) Eulerian grid code for magnetohydrodynamics. * TITAN: a one-dimensional implicit adaptive mesh code for radiation hydrodynamics. * 4D2: an interactive tool for visualizing and animating 3D data (array, particle) on Silicon Graphics workstations. The community application codes (ZEUS-2D, ZEUS-3D, TITAN) are available free of charge to academic researchers.

LCA Home Page and software.

General Relativity NCSA group (black hole evolution)

Relativity Group
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Home Page and summary.

ONEDBH (no source here?)
ONEBH (overview and source)
3D codes front end.

NACA airfoils

Collection of articles and links related to NACA airfoils is here.

ARSoftware (TEP: a combustion analysis tool for windows)

The Science and Technical Software Company
Electronic Publishers and Distributors
8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1110
Landover, Maryland 20785
FAX (301) 459-3776

What is TEP?

NASA NAS (fluid mechanics and heat transfer)

List of commercial software.

College of Marine Studies (sci.geo.fluids models)

README file and ftp link.

MOM (Modular Ocean Model)


Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

GFDL Home Page and MOM page.

Roe solvers (CLAWPACK library by Randall LeVeque)

Randall J. LeVeque
Applied Mathematics Dept., FS-20
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

CLAWPACK -- Conservation LAWs software PACKage ------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0 of CLAWPACK is now available from netlib. This is a package of Fortran subroutines for solving hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in one and two space dimensions. (Future versions should include 3D.) High resolution flux-limiter methods are used, based on solving one-dimensional Riemann problems. In two dimensions, multi-dimensional wave-propagation methods are used. The current version supports only uniform Cartesian grids in rectangular domains, and is intended primarily as a research and teaching tool. The modular form should make it easy to modify and experiment with other methods, as well as to apply it to new problems. The code requires that the user supply a Riemann solver for the problem being solved and also a subroutine that implements the boundary conditions. Source terms can also be handled (via Strang splitting) in which case an ODE solver for the source terms must also be supplied. Several examples of different Riemann solvers are included with the package, including e.g., advection equation, Burgers' equation, Euler equations, isothermal equations, shallow water equations. Various different boundary conditions are also demonstrated, such as periodic, inflow, nonreflecting, and solid walls. Numerous example drivers are included to demonstrate the use of these subroutines. Matlab m-files are included to graphically display the output, or they can be used as a model for writing graphics routines in other languages. Documentation is included in the package, including the postscript file for an introductory paper on the package. The package can be obtained from netlib, where it resides in the library pdes/claw. This directory currently contains: index the index clawpack the basic package, with 1d, 2d routines and many examples doc documentation (postscript files of papers, slides) advection applications of clawpack to 2d advection equations, with examples from a recent paper on this subject (in doc). nozzle application of clawpack to the quasi-1d nozzle problem. vBurgers viscous Burgers' equation, with diffusion equation as source. L-domain L-shaped domains, such as the forward facing step problem. My hope is that a library of more sophisticated applications will be gradually built up, and contributions from other users will be gratefully accepted. The package may be obtained by anonymous ftp from, where it resides in netlib/pdes/claw. The file netlib/pdes/claw/clawpack.shar is a tar file of the entire directory. Files can also be obtained by sending e-mail to Send the message "help" to this address for more information. Alternatively, you can obtain files by ftp through Mosaic using the URL . It is also possible to browse through the library using Mosaic from .

Fluent Inc.

Fluent Inc. / info@Fluent.COM
Centerra Resource Park
10 Cavendish Court
Lebanon, NH 03766-1442
tel: 603.643.2600, 800.445.4454
fax: 603.643.3967

Fluent Inc. distributors around the world and CFD software packages. For more information contact info@Fluent.COM.

HEATING (a multdimensional heating conduction code)

Kenneth. W. Childs /
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

HEATING is a general-purpose, conduction, heat transfer program written and maintained by the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Group (HTFFG).[...] More about HEATING.

>From Jonas T. Holdeman, Jr. /
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 1995 15:09:52 -0500

I understand both workstation and PC versions of the HEATING code are available freely from the authors, Gary Giles ( and Ken Childs ( [...] Please check with the authors for latest information.

PHI3D (3D FEM Navier-Stokes code)

Paul T. Williams /
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

As a part of validation studies for the locally developed finte-element incompressible Navier-Stokes Code PHI3D [...] More about PHI3D.

>From Jonas T. Holdeman, Jr. /
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 1995 15:09:52 -0500

PHI3D was developed by Paul Williams ( for his Ph.D. dissertation. He says it needs to be cleaned up before he will release it. If someone were willing to give him some funding, this process could be speeded up, as he has no funding to work on the code at present.

HYDRO (Two-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamics code)

>From Hao Chen /

ftp link

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Benchmarking Section of Group C-3
Dennis V. Brockway, Fred Gama-Lobo, Karl Wallick, John Romero, & Steve W. White
May 1, 1984

HYDRO.DOC ABSTRACT: This is a two-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamics code based on an algorithm of W.D. Schultz. NUMERICAL: According to the report below, HYDRO is representative of a large class of codes used in the Los Alamos Laboratory and is 100% vectorizable. NOTES: HYDRO is very similar to SIMPLE - Almost identical methods. However, HYDRO can handle General Geometry, while SIMPLE uses Fixed Geometry (Equation of state table 2X2) AUTHORS: produced under U.S. government contract (w-7405-eng-36) by Los Alamos National Laboratory by D. Brockway, F. Gama-Lobo, K. Wallick, J. Romero, S. White Contact benchmarking section of group c-3 LANL (505)667-7028 REFERENCES: Report: Los Alamos Laboratory Computer Benchmarking 1988 H.J. Wasserman William D. Schulz Methods of Computational Physics Volume 3, 1964

Flowtech International AB

>From Johannes Schoon /
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 09:57:21 +0200

Flowtech International AB
Box 24001
S-400 22 Gothenburg
tel.&fax. int.+46 31 41 50 60

[...] SHIPFLOW. As the name suggests, this code is good for design/analysis of flow around ships. It uses a non-linear free surface panel method, a boundary layer method and a Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes method to calculate wave-making resistance, skin friction resistance, sinkage etc for the modern Naval Architect.

Fluid Dynamics International, Inc.

Fluid Dynamics International, Inc.
500 Davis Street, Suite 600
Evanston, IL 60201 USA
phone (708) 491-0200
fax (708) 869-6495

Date: Mon, 4 Jul 94 11:49:22 PDT FIDAP Fluid Dynamics Analysis Package uses a finite element approach for analysis of fluid & heat flow problems. Options are included for incompressible and compressible flow, laminar and turbulent flow, single and 2-phase flow, Newtonian or non-Newtonian rheology, heat flow by conduction, convection, and radiation, heat sources and sinks, solidification and melting, and lots more. The software includes mesh generation, data input, solution, and post-processing data visualization. Software versions of FIDAP (as of 1/93) are available for these computers: CONVEX, CRAY, DEC, FUJITSU, HEWLETT-PACKARD, IBM, SILICON GRAPHICS, STARDENT, and SUN. There's also a PC-version. For an example of the use of FIDAP, see: Thomas, B.G. and F.M. Najjar, 1991, Finite element modelling of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in continuous casting, Applied Math. Modelling, 15: 226-243.

CIT Thermoflow AB

Lars Davidsson /
CIT Thermoflow AB
Chalmers Teknikpark
S-421 88 Gothenburg
tel. int.+46 31 772 14 04 (or .... 10 00)
fax. int.+46 31 18 09 76

CALC-BFC is a program which has been developed at the dept. of Thermo and Fluid Dynamics here at Chalmers. It has now grown into a commercial code.


>From David Bailey /

CFDS-FLOW3D ----------- A general purpose 3D fluid flow and heat transfer code, including combustion and multi-phase flow. CFDS CFDS Inc. AEA Technology 1700 N. Highland Road 8.19 Harwell Suite 400 Didcot Pittsburgh Oxon USA UK Tel: +44 (0)235 432101 Tel: 412 833 4820 +44 (0)234 432989 Fax: +44 (0)234 436671 Fax: 412 833 4580 email:

Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc.

>From Brent Cullimore /

Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc.
49 Dawn Heath Circle
Littleton Colorado 80127-4303
(303) 971-0292

Note that there is a new ftp site: and a new home page:

C&R Technologies is pleased to announce the availability of a new anonymous ftp site containing FREE SOFTWARE and other information related to our heat transfer and fluid flow simulation code SINDA/FLUINT and its graphical user interface, SINAPS. ============================== SINDA/FLUINT =================================== A comprehensive finite-difference lumped-parameter tool for analyzing complex thermal/fluid systems. Suitable for both preliminary design and point design simulation, at both the component and system level. SINDA/FLUINT is used at over 300 sites in the aerospace, energy, electronic, HVAC, medical, and automotive industries. Capabilities include: steady and transient analyses, radiation, convection, and conduction heat transfer, single- and two-phase flow, fluid mixtures, time- and temperature-varying properties, and user logic for control and customization. Applications include thermal and environmental control, propulsion, electronics packaging, and power generation. ================================= SINAPS ====================================== A modern graphical user interface to SINDA/FLUINT. Enables users to sketch thermal/fluid circuits, validate/preprocess inputs interactively, and then visualize, interpret, and report results graphically. Capabilities include: algebraic and functional in-puts; depiction of large, complex networks, colorization by value, animation through time, and pop-up X-Y, bar, and polar plots. ============================== Availability =================================== Sun Microsystems SPARCstations(tm), SunOS 4.1.X or Solaris 2.X Hewlett-Packard Apollo(tm) Series 700 Workstations IBM PCs and 100% compatibles Apple Macintosh(tm) II =========================== About the ftp site ================================ A README file contains a current description of the site contents. The site contains: (1) Newsletters, announcements, and patches (as available) (2) Product information, brochures, and SINAPS pictures (3) New tutorial introductions to SINDA, FLUINT, and SINAPS (4) SINDA/FLUINT Version 3.0. Fully functional copies of SINDA/FLUINT limited to 50 thermal nodes and 10 fluid lumps. This is enough to run most of the (provided) SINDA/FLUINT sample problems, as well as student or evaluation problems. (5) SINAPS Version 2.1 demo. Enables full evaluation of SINAPS without the ability to save work in progress. Together with a copy of SINDA/FLUINT, you can develop, preprocess, launch, and postprocess your own model, or you can experiment with sample problems. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS BEFORE DOWN- LOADING OR INSTALLING THESE CODES. SINDA/FLUINT requires a specific Fortran 77 compiler on each machine (which regrettably are not ours to offer for free). SINAPS requires 16MB RAM on personal computers (PC/Mac), 32MB on workstations (Sun/HP). All of the code and documentation we would ideally like to provide may not yet be available on this site. If you do not find what you need, or would like a different format, media, etc., please contact us and we can either update the site and/or send disks, hardcopies, etc. -- _______ _____ \| \\ // \| || || Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc. || | ||___// 49 Dawn Heath Circle || || \\ Littleton Colorado 80127-4303 || || \\ (303) 971-0292 \\ || \\ ========================================================================== Thermal/Fluid System Design and Analysis

ICEM Systems, Inc.

>From Wayne A. Christopher /

ICEM Systems, GmbH
US distributor: ICEM CFD Engineering of Berkeley, CA
For more information contact


ICEM CFD is a computational grid generation system developed by ICEM Systems, GmbH, and ICEM CFD Engineering of Berkeley, CA. It is sold and supported in the United states and Canada by ICEM CFD Engineering. ICEM CFD is known for its ability to generate high-quality grids based on arbitrary CAD surface data, created either in the ICEM system or imported from other CAD systems using standard interfaces such as IGES. It includes both multi-block structured and unstructured mesh generation tools, and can create input for a wide variety of flow solvers.


Icepak is an object-oriented thermal analysis system for electronic components. It was developed by ICEM CFD Engineering of Berkeley, CA, and Fluid Dynamics International of Evanston, Il. Icepak includes an object-based modeling system, which allows users to rapidly create complex models with pre-defined component types, a fully automatic hexahedral grid generator that creates body-fitted high-quality grids, the Fidap flow solver, and extensive post-processing capabilities. For more information, please take a look at our WWW page, or contact Mary Jo Hamilton (, (508) 497-2341).

KIVA (modeling of reactive flows)

for more information search OSTI WAIS gate with keyword KIVA

Article: 576 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Robin B. Lake /
Date: 10 Jul 1994 14:52:30 GMT
In article <2vo5bn$> (John Hinkey) writes: > >Does anyone know of any CFD codes capable of >modeling a two-phase detonation, i.e. a >gaseous oxidizer with a solid or liquid fuel >suspended in it? > There is a code "KIVA" that BP uses for such explosive environments as internal combustion engine cylinders. In that it can handle chemical transformations, it may be suitable. In that BP has reorganized and eliminated its US Research, I can't give you the name of any competent staff at their Sunbury-on-Thames Research Centre in the UK. You might try to contact Dr. Wendell Mills, Engineering Computing Inc., who occupies space at BP's former Warrensville Research Center in Cleveland. Call the central BP number in Cleveland. Can't help much, as they've changed the phone numbers recently (and probably the locks, too!). Rob Lake Environmental Modeling Inc.

PHOENICS/CHAM (multi-phase flow, N-S, combustion simulations)

>From Necdet Kurul /
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 22:15:51 -0400

Another code is PHOENICS of CHAM. It does: - Single as well as multi-phase flow simulations, - laminar and a variety of turbulent flow simulations, - solving additional equations on top of Navier-Stokes eqs., such as those in combustion, chemical processes etc. More information can be found from >From Andre van Niekerk /
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 14:20:12 GMT
CHAM have also put out a shareware version of PHEONICS (it's versions 1.4). Andre van Niekerk Dept of Civil Engineering Wits University Johannesburg Link to PHOENICS V 1.4 Sharware.

CFD Research Corporation (ACE - reactive flows)

Article: 646 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Lyle Johnson /
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 14:25:03 GMT
Subject: Re: Need addresses of Fidap/Fluent and others

In (Nitin K. Ingle) writes: >Hello, > Is it possible to get the names and addresses of vendors who >have developed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and reacting flow >codes? For example the developers of packages like Fluent, Fidap, >Flow3D etc. I would appreciate if anyone can provide me with this >list or direct me where to obtain one. >Thanks in advance, >Nitin Ingle May I suggest CFD-ACE, produced by CFD Research Corporation? CFD Research Corporation 3325 Triana Blvd. Huntsville, Alabama 35805 Phone: (205) 536-6576 Contact: R. Sukumar

Computational Dynamics Ltd. (Star-CD reactive flows)

Article: 656 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From H.W. Krus /
Subject: Re: Need addresses of Fidap/Fluent and others
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 06:37:36 GMT

Lyle Johnson ( wrote: : In (Nitin K. Ingle) writes: : >Hello, : > Is it possible to get the names and addresses of vendors who : >have developed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and reacting flow : >codes? For example the developers of packages like Fluent, Fidap, : >Flow3D etc. I would appreciate if anyone can provide me with this : >list or direct me where to obtain one. : >Thanks in advance, : >Nitin Ingle Hi, Here's another one: The makers of Star-CD (also reacting, e.g. engine combustion): Computational Dynamics Ltd. Olympic House 317 Latimer Road London W10 6RA Tel. +44-81-969 9639 Fax. +44-81-968 8606 Email (the adress of one of CD's people) Henk >From Devadatta Mukutmoni /
Date: 22 Sep 1994 23:17:02 -0400
STAR-CD: It is a commercial general-purpose code based on the finite-volume method. The formulation is for a completely unstructured grid. It is made by Computational Dynamics based in London, UK. The North-American distributor is Adapco based in Melville, NY. Devadatta Mukutmoni e-mail:,

Analytical Methods, Inc.

>From Burke Murray / hedmips!
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 09:53:14 -0400 (EDT)

We write and sell several CFD codes, but the two most popular are: VSAERO: 3D steady flow panel method USAERO: 3D unsteady flow panel method We also sell a postprocessor called OMNI3D which works with both VSAERO and USAERO. Burke Murray Analytical Methods, Inc. P.O. Box 3786 Bellevue, WA 98009 USA Phone: (206) 643-9090 Fax: (206) 746-1299 internet: Here is more detailed information provided by David Lednicer of AM, Inc. -VSAERO: A full configuration, subsonic aeroynamics analysis method that solves the linearized potential flow equations. VSAERO uses piecewise constant singularity strengths on surface panels to represent arbitrary three-dimensional configurations. Boundary layer calculations can be performed along on-body streamlines and the resulting boundary layer thicknesses can be used to iteratively correct the inviscid flowfield (using surface transpiration). Compressibility corrections are available within the program for higher subsonic Mach number cases. Wake geometry is determined by an iterative wake shape calculation procedure. Special purpose modules such as; WHIP, ROTOR and PROPFAN expand VSAERO's capabilities. These modules calculate the nonlinear hydodynamic wave effects on surface piercing vessels, helicopter rotor/fuselage interactions and propeller/fan performance, respectively. -USAERO: This program calculates the transient aerodynamic characteristics of complex configurations in arbitrary motion. It is based on a time-stepping procedure which allows relative motions of configuration components. USAERO simulations include manuevering aircraft, gust response, rotor/body interactions and stores separation from aircraft. Special application modules FPI and FSP couple with USAERO to provide flight-path integration calculations with six degrees of freedom and ship motion calculations with nonlinear free-surface simulation. -MGAERO: A 3-D Euler method for computing flow about arbitrary configurations in the subsonic through supersonic flight regimes. It uses a multigrid approach with an equally-spaced Cartesian mesh structure including local refinement. Swept, unswept and rotated grids may be used to develop local computational domains which may be overlapped with either the surface or other multigrid levels. The ease of geometry and grid input allows for rapid turnaround of results for complete aircraft, including nacelles. -OMNIPLOT: This is a post-processing program which displays the results of 3-D aerodynamic calculations. Options include viewing surface pressure, velocity and Mach number contours, on- and off-body streamline trajectories, boundary layer calculation results and off-body velocity survey data. -OMNI3D: A color graphics visualization program which displays simulation results in 3-D and arbitrary 2-D slices. It shows surface pressure, velocity and Mach number contours on the body and in the flow field, streamline and boundary-layer parameters along on- and off-body streamline trajectories and wake geometry data. Time steps and iterations may be animated or stepped through. OMNI3D's mouse-driven interface and fast graphics permit rapid assessment of results on complex configurations. -ICE: This code calculates particle trajectories in the vicintity of an arbitrary aircraft for use in icing and sand-ingestion analyses. The efficient trajectory calculation and prescribed velocity field result in a very fast calculation. ICE reads the aircraft geometry and flowfield velocity from an OMNIPLOT/OMNI3D graphics file. -XFOIL: An interactive program for the design and analysis of subsonic airfoils. It consists of a collection of menu-driven routines which perform functions such as; viscous (or inviscid) analysis of an existing airfoil, airfoil design and redesign by interactive specification of a surface speed distribution, airfoil redesign by interactive specification of new geometric parameters. XFOIL is based upon a linear-vorticity stream function panel method, coupled to a two-equation, lagged dissapation integral boundary layer formulation. -MSES: A coupled viscous/inviscid Euler method for the analysis and design of multi-element (and single-element) airfoils. A streamline-based Euler discretization and a two-equation integral boundary layer formulation are coupled through the displacement thickness and solved simultaneously by a full Newton method. MSES is capable of multi-point optimization of single- and multi-element airfoils. The full Newton solution method of the solver permits effectively "free" calculation of the flowfield sensitivities to predefined element shape deformation modes and element translation and rotation modes. -MISES: A coupled viscous/inviscid Euler method for the analysis an design of cascades. The internal formulation of this code is much like that of MSES's. -CAMRAD II: An aeromechanical analysis of helicopters and rotorcraft that incorporates a combination of advanced technology, including multibody dynamics, nonlinear finite elements, structural dynamics and rotorcraft aerodynamics. For the design, testing and evaluation of rotors and rotorcraft, CAMRAD II calculates performance, loads, vibration, response and stability. All computers codes are commercial products marketed by Analytical Methods, Inc. Address inquries to: ------------------------------------------------------------------- David Lednicer | "Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics" Analytical Methods, Inc. | email: 2133 152nd Ave NE | tel: (206) 643-9090 Redmond, WA 98052 USA | fax: (206) 746-1299

STSWM (Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model)

>From Hao Chen / ftp link

File: README SPECTRAL TRANSFORM SHALLOW WATER MODEL (Version 2.0) Copyright (C) 1992 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research All Rights Reserved Ruediger Jakob National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO 80307-3000 August 1992 Contents -------- 1. Software Distribution Conditions 2. Description of Software 3. Directory of Files 4. Corrections and Changes [...] Another version of this code (or postprocessor?) is called REFSOL. REFSOL uses netcdf package. I'm not familiar with all this stuff...

FCT (Flux-Corrected Transport)

link to URL document

Overview Flux-Corrected Transport (FCT) is a conservative, monotone technique for integrating generalized continuity and hydromagnetic equations. [...] FCT was the first of the class of high-order, monotone schemes for solving generalized continuity equations (e.g., the equations of Eulerian hydrodynamics). An FCT bibliography of basic papers is posted here. A suite of FCT modules with test programs is being developed for posting to the HPCC/ESS Software Exchange. [...] The software for solving 2D hydrodynamical problems will be found in the package LCPFCT2. For 2D magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) applications, the package MHDFCT2 also will be needed. Similar software packages LCPFCT3 and MHDFCT3 eventually will be posted for solving 3D problems. [...] C. Richard DeVore Laboratory for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics, Naval Research Laboratory

AeroSoft, Inc.

>From Andrew Godfrey /
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 10:07:18 -0400

The General Aerodynamic Simulation Program (GASP) efficiently models the time-dependent, three-dimensional, Reynolds-Averaged, Navier-Stokes equations and all subsets (1-D, 2-D, Axi-symmetric, TLNS, PNS, Euler). GASP's abridged list of features are: o Finite-volume, characterisitic-based, upwind methods. o 28 multi-specie, chemistry models. o 6 thermodynamic models. o 5 tranport property models. o Frozen, equilibrium, or finite-rate chemistry. o Multi-zone, mesh sequencing. o AF, GMRES, charateristic time stepping, inner iteration options. o Algebraic and two-equation turbulence models. o Graphical user interfaces. Developed, supported and marketed commercially by: AeroSoft, Inc. 1872 Pratt Drive, Suite 1275 Blacksburg, Va. 24060-6363 (703) 231-6125

Ithaca Combustion Enterprises

>From Andrew Norris /
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 10:03:59 -0400

pdf2ds - 2D velocity, dissipation, composition pdf method for combustion calculations. Author Steve Pope. Available from Ithaca Combustion Enterprises. Commercial. Written in fortran 77; available on work-stations.

NASA Lewis Research Center

>From Andrew Norris /
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 10:03:59 -0400

lpdf2d - 2D Scalar pdf method for compressible combustion calculation. Author A. Norris and A. Hsu. Available from NASA Lewis Research Center. Freeware, but only to companies/people in the United States. Written in fortran 77; available on work-stations.

NSC2KE (N-S finite-volume Galerkin 2D code)

Bijan Mohammadi
Domaine de Voluceau
BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay, Rocquencourt

2D and AXI Euler and Navier-Stokes equations solver o explicit multi-steps time integration process o upwind schemes and linear interpolation method for the computation of the convective fluxes using a finite volume formulation. o classical central galerkin p1-finite element method for the computation of the diffusive fluxes o k-epsilon turbulence model with two-layer approach or wall laws Copyright(C) 1994 Bijan Mohammadi-Stephane Lanteri

Abstract and user guide.

Collection of commercial codes

>From James D. Freels /
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 10:48 EDT

_______________________________________________________________________________ Code Company comments FLOW3D Flow Science, Inc. finite-difference (FAVOR) 1325 Trinity Dr. explicit time step P.O. Box 933 moving boundaries Los Alamos, NM 87544 free surfaces CFD-2000 Adaptive Research Corp. ? 4960 Corporate Dr., Suite 100-A Huntsville, AL 35805 ALGOR ALGOR, Inc. finite-element 150 Beta Dr. large number of structural Pittsburgh, PA. 15238-2932 users no e-mail NISA Engineering Mechanics Research Corp. finite-element P.O. Box 696 large number of structural Troy, Michigan 48099 users

Reaction Engineering International

>From Sandeep Jaivant Khatkhate /
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 13:20:52 -0600

BANFF/GLACIER - specialize in simulating three dimensional combustion applications - marketed through REI based in SLC, UTAH. GLACIER is an extension of BANFF that includes turbulent particle dispersion and reaction. the cfd is done using a finite-volume approach and particles are coupled using a Lagrangian cloud formulation. -it can handle complex three-dimensional geometries -full coupling between turbulent fluid and particle mechanics , radiative and convective heat transfer and chemical reactions in multiple phases. - typical applications are burner and furnace design, utility boilers, waste incineration, pulverized coal combustion, other cfd applcations including those involving turbulent particle transport. REI stands for Reaction Engineering International (I think) and they are based in Salt Lake City. The person whose email I have is Prof. Phil Smith who works for REI. His email :

Combustion Dynamics Ltd.

Article: 956 of sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
>From Albert Sulmistras /
Subject: Re: Opinions wanted: Finite Element FCT
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 20:33:47 GMT

In article <367to4$>, (Mr.Door) writes: > Greetings, > Part of my PhD work involves the use of two-dimensional FCT codes to > simulate detonation phenomena. This work is now moving towards the > simulation of shocks/detonations passing over irregular obstacles > (say, shocks against wedges) which is something that my existing code > isn't too good at. SNIP... > o Are there any other schemes around which allow relatively > painless simulation of shocks over irregular obstacles - speed > isn't that much of an object, but accuracy is. Eulerian > schemes are preferred, since that's what I'm used to. If the objective is to model shocks and detonations in complex 2-D and 3-D geometries, the FE approach is NOT the only way to go. We (Combustion Dynamics) developed an Euler code using FCT 6th order in a rectilinear grid. Complex solid shapes can be defined in the calculation domain. We then detect all solid surfaces and use Reimann solvers across the boundary and impose free-slip conditions at the surface. The benefit being that the whole problem setup only requires several minutes... really :^) and you do not need complex grid generators. For a detonation model, we currently have one-step and two-step combustion models. For equilibrium or chemical kinetic modelling of shocks and detonations (i.e. ZND profile, CJ parameters, reflected shocks, etc.) you can let your big cheese (Geraint) know that a beta version of "SuperSTATE" will be heading his way shortly (depending on your definition of short :^) ). Regards, Albert

AVL List Gmbh

Kleiststrasse 48
A-8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 987-441
FAX : +43 316 987-777

FIRE is an in house development of AVL List Gmbh. FIRE is based on a finite volume differencing scheme using a modified variant of the SIMPLE algorithm for the solution of

FIRE comes with an easy to use, fully interactive Pre - and Postprocessor.
The applications range from transient automotive to medical engineering flows.

Our FIRE Web Server has an extensive collection (86 html documents, 44 gif's and 9 mpegs) of information regarding FIRE. You are welcome to surf through our cyber space.

IBM Corp. catalogue (30 positions)

Fluids, CFD, Flow Analysis

Copyright 1994 International Business Machines

Sun Microsystems catalogue (70 positions)

>From Joy Crisp /
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 18:36:03 PDT

In case you're interested, there's a lot of information on fluid dynamics software packages hidden among a wide variety of finite element and fluid/heat packages in the Sun Catalyst Software Catalog on the Web.

Solaris - Mechanical Engineering

Copyright 1994 Sun Microsystems

Cray Research catalogue (100 positions)

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Copyright 1994 Cray Research

MDA Engineering, Inc.(GRIDGEN - generation of structured grids)

>From John R. Chawner / mdaeng!
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 16:47:02 CDT

GRIDGEN is a software system for the generation of structured grids for use in the computational sciences. The grids generated by GRIDGEN consist of body-conforming, quadrilateral and hexahedral cells. GRIDGEN is capability of building multi- or single-block grids, abutting or overlapping blocks, surface or volume grids, and 2D or 3D grids. GRIDGEN consists of two codes, GRIDGEN (interactive) and GRIDGEN3D (batch). GRIDGEN is a visually oriented and interactive code in which user control is maintained through menu button selection, mouse point-and-click, and occasional text input. On-line help may be accessed anywhere within the code, providing both specific and general information to facilitate code usage. A User's Manual is also available with sections covering the theory, how-to, and a tutorial. The GRIDGEN process begins with import of the geometry model about which the grid is to be generated. The geometry model may be imported in a variety of formats including NASA-IGES. Next, the user interactively creates the curve, surface, and volume grid components. Curves are constructed first as free space or model-constrained curves of various mathematical forms. Grid points are distributed along the curves using any of several clustering functions that allow for clustering anywhere along the curve's length. Surface grids are then initialized automatically after the user selects the curves that define the surface's perimeter. Surface grid point refinement may be achieved by applying a suite of techniques from GRIDGEN's broad algebraic and elliptic partial differential equation functionality. Volume grids are constructed in a similar manner, by interactively selecting the surface grids that comprise the block boundary. Volume grid points are initialized automatically and may be refined by accessing GRIDGEN3D, a 3D partial differential equation code run in batch mode. Interfaces to the TEAM, NPARC, OVERFLOW, CNSFV, DTNS, and FANS analysis codes are included in GRIDGEN. These interfaces allow users to set solver-specific boundary conditions on the surfaces of the blocks in the system. The final products of GRIDGEN, the grid and connection/boundary condition input decks, can then be exported in the exact form required by the flow solvers. The GRIDGEN software consists of approximately 150,000 lines of Fortran and C code, with all graphics implemented in Silicon Graphics' IrisGL language. GRIDGEN runs on Silicon Graphics and IBM RS/6000 workstations configured with the appropriate graphics adapter, a 24-bit frame buffer, Z-buffer (recommended). Now 10 years old and 300+ users strong, GRIDGEN development and support today is maintained by its two original authors, John Steinbrenner and John Chawner, of MDA Engineering, Inc., Arlington, Texas. For information on how to obtain GRIDGEN and on GRIDGEN support services please contact John Chawner at (817) 860-6660 or for more information. GRIDGEN is available at no cost from the U.S. Air Force. Unfortunately, GRIDGEN is not available outside the U.S.

Scientific Services, Inc.

>From Charles Fletcher /
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 15:54:39 -0400

N3S is a (commercial) finite element 2D/3D CFD code that runs on Unix workstations, CRAY, and other supercomputers. N3S was developed by EDF (France) and is distributed in the US by Scientific Services, Inc. and in Europe by SIMULOG (France). N3S has both English and French versions. For further information, please contact: Charlie Fletcher 301-577-6000 or Below is a summary of the software's (Release 3.1) currently available offering: Note: (*) = new capability of the release 3.1. + 2D - axisymmetric - 3D arbitrary complex geometries + laminar or turbulent flows and/or heat transfer + steady state and transient + incompressible flows + thermal energy equation + forced, free or mixed convection + conduction (*) + expansible flows with high variations in temperature + 20 additional passive effluents + k-epsilon turbulence model (*) + flows with temperature, space and time dependent properties + allowance for solid boundaries (friction, heat exchange) + time discretisation at first or second order in time for laminar flows + time discretisation at first order in time for turbulent flows (*) + space dependent time step + prescribed nodal values + prescribed general forces in momentum equation + prescribed general heat source in energy equation + prescribed general sources term in passive scalar transport equations + prescribed general stress and flux (*) + moving wall boundary conditions (*) + multiple inlets and outlets + scalar and vectorised solvers + standard mesh generators: SIMAIL, I-DEASTM/CAEDS + standard post-processors: GRAFN3S, DATA VISUALIZER, TIGRE + full documentation including theoretical manual, user manual and validation manual. Optional turbomachinery module including: (*) + flows in rotating reference frame (*) + Coriolis forces (*) + Vo component in axisymmetric problems (*) + periodicity between non-parallel faces Optional adaptive 2D meshing module NEXT RELEASE 1995 Release 3.2 offering: + Low Reynolds Launder Sharma model + advanced wall laws for low Reynolds Model + Full Reynolds Stress turbulence model (2D isothermal) + finite volume convector for extra passive scalar fields(2D laminar) + distributed head losses + porous media + conjugate heat transfer between fluids and walls + compressible 2D flows (subsonic and transonic) based on fractional time step method + moving meshes + Solid-Fluid interactions + optional compressible N3S-MUSCL solver for subconic, transonic and supersonic 3D flows + optional combustion module (PDF model) + improved user-interface on motif/X-Window environment (file handling and program control through an interactive mouse-driven graphical user-interface) + Lagrangian tracking model with: - turbulent dispersion model (stochastic tracking procedure) - wall particle interaction model - coupling between the particles and the continuous phase + local refined ID modelling of boundary layers + time discretisation at second order in time for turbulent flows + Full Reynolds Stress turbulence model (3D, thermal coupling) + adapting 3D meshing + fully 3D free surfaces + radiative heat transfer + compressible 3D flows (subsonic and transonc) based on fractional time step method + optional compressible N3S-MUSCL solver for subsonic, transonic and supersonic 2D flows + finite volume convector for extra passive scalar fields(3D) + turbomachinery module: rotor-stator interactions + optional combustion module (PEUL model) + parallelized version + Eulerian computation of two-phase flows + Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) + binary flows (2 fluids of the same thermodynamic phase)

Directory of CFD codes on IBM supercomputer environment

>From Murali /
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 10:22:08 +0700 (SST)

DIRECTORY OF CFD CODES ON IBM SUPERCOMPUTER ENVIRONMENT ======================================================= Name: FLO27 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: FLO27 is a three-dimensional potential flow code that analyzes the inviscid irrotational transonic flow around an airplane wing using the finite volume scheme with sheared parabolic coordinates. =========================================================================== Name: FLO28 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: FLO28 is a three-dimensional potential flow code that analyzes the inviscid irrotational transonic flow around an airplane wing and fuselage using the finite volume scheme with sheared parabolic coordinates. =========================================================================== Name: FLO36 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: FLO36 is a two-dimensional potential flow code that analyzes the inviscid irrotational transonic flow around an airfoil by iterative solution of the difference equations for the velocity potential. A multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate convergence to a steady state. =========================================================================== Name: FLO52 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This two-dimensional Euler code solves for the inviscid transonic flow around an airfoil using the finite volume formulation. Quadrilateral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the airfoil and an O-mesh topology is used. Sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. =========================================================================== Name: FLO53 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This two-dimensional Euler code solves for the inviscid transonic flow around an airfoil using the finite volume formulation. Quadrilateral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the airfoil and a C-mesh topology is used. Sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. =========================================================================== Name: FLO57 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This three-dimensional Euler code analyzes the inviscid transonic flow around an airplane wing using the finite volume formulation. Hexahedral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the wing and sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm accelerates convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. =========================================================================== Name: FLO59 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This three-dimensional Euler code analyzes the inviscid transonic flow about an arbitrary wing/fuselage/tail/fin configuration using the finite volume formulation. Hexahedral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the wing and sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm accelerates convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. ========================================================================== Name: FLO67 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This three-dimensional Euler code analyzes the inviscid transonic flow around an airplane wing using the finite volume formulation. Hexahedral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the wing and sample values of the flow variables are stored at the vertices of each cell. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm accelerates convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. ========================================================================== Name: FLO82 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This two-dimensional Euler code supercedes FLO52. It analyzes the inviscid transonic flow around an airfoil using the finite volume formulation. Quadrilateral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the airfoil and an O-mesh topology is used. Sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. An improved treatment of adaptive dissipation provides for better capturing of shock waves and other discontinuities. A multigrid algorithm together with a residual smoothing procedure provide rapid convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. =========================================================================== Name: FLO83 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: This two-dimensional Euler code supercedes FLO53. It analyzes the inviscid transonic flow around an airfoil using the finite volume formulation. Quadrilateral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the airfoil and a C-mesh topology is used. Sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. An improved treatment of adaptive dissipation provides for better capturing of shock waves and other discontinuities. A multigrid algorithm together with a residual smoothing procedure provide rapid convergence to a steady state. Conformal mapping is used for grid generation. =========================================================================== Name: FLO103 Jameson, Princeton University Brief Description: FLO103 is a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes code that solves for the viscous transonic flow (both laminar and turbulent) around an airfoil using the finite volume formulation. Quadrilateral cells are used to subdivide the flowfield around the airfoil and a C-mesh topology is used. Sample values of the flow variables are stored at the center of each cell. An algebraic turbulence model is used for closure. Adaptive dissipation is added for clean and crisp capturing of shock waves. A multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate convergence to a steady state. This program may also be used to compute inviscid flows. =========================================================================== Name: INS3D D Kwak, NASA Ames Research Center Brief Description: INS3D is a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code that analyzes the viscous incompressible flow over arbitrary configurations. The flow solver utilizes a pseudo-compressibility approach with an approximate factorization scheme. An algebraic turbulence model is used for turbulence closure. =========================================================================== Name: ARC3D Tom Pulliam, NASA Ames Research Center Brief Description: ARC3D is a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code that analyzes the viscous compressible flow over arbitrary configurations. The flow solver uses the ADI (Alternate Direction Implicit) algorithm to solve the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations cast in conservation law form. Adaptive dissipation is added for capturing shock waves. An algebraic eddy viscosity model is used for turbulence closure. =========================================================================== Name: VSAERO Analytical Methods Inc, NASA Langley Research Centre Brief Description: VSAERO is a computer program for calculating the non-linear aerodynamic characteristics of arbitrary configurations in subsonic flow. Non-linear effects of vortex separation and vortex/surface interaction are treated in an iterative wake-shape calculation procedure, while the effects of viscosity are treated in an iterative loop coupling potential flow and integral boundary layer calculations. The program includes many useful features, including an automatic panel generator, and is applicable to fluid flow problems in aerospace, automotive and marine areas. =========================================================================== Name: TAIR Terry Holst, NASA Ames Research Center,USA Brief Description: TAIR is a two-dimensional potential flow code which analyzes the inviscid, irrotational flow over arbitrary airfoils. The flow solver uses a fast, fully implicit algorithm to solve the conservative full-potential equation for transonic flow. A grid generation module to establish a general, body-fitted finite difference mesh is included. =========================================================================== Name: FIDAP Dr. Michael Engelman, Fluids Dynamics International, Inc. 1600 Orrington Avenue, Suite 400, Evanston, Illinois 60201 USA Brief Description: The Fluid Dynamics Analysis Package (FIDAP) is a general purpose program that uses the finite element method to simulate many classes of incompressible fluid flows. Two-dimensional, axisymmetric or three-dimensional steady-state or transient simulations in complex geometries are possible. The following types of steady state or transient analysis are supported: isothermal Newtonian or non-Newtonian flows; turbulent flows, free forced, or mixed convection; advection-diffusion problems (velocity field fixed in space and time); environmental flows; creeping flows (such as molten glass or metals) and free surface flows. =========================================================================== See also: VSAERO, FIDAP.

Advanced Scientific Computing Ltd.

>From Andrzej Banas /
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 10:52:46 -0500

TASCflow: a general purpose 3D fluid flow & heat transfer code available from Advanced Scientific Computing Ltd. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada For more information see Cray Research catalogue.


Public ftp archive of the CFD Community Club at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.


FEMLAB group
Dep. of Mathematics
Chalmers University of Technology

FEMLAB is an interactive program for the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations based on the Finite Element Method in adaptive form with automatic error control. Femlab is distributed freely to anyone interested. You may read more about FEMLAB and find what do you need to get FEMLAB running. Finally, you may download FEMLAB.

CFD codes for ship design

>From Dennis J. Kingsley /
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 07:08:13 -0500

SLAW SAIC Annapolis MD, USA, Contact Ken Weems / PMARC NASA PD version of VSAERO Contact COSMIC, University of Georgia email SWIFT CDNSWC Carderock MD, USA Contact Yoon Kim / XYZFS CDNSWC Carderock MD, USA Contact Bill Cheng / OVERFLOW (RANS) ??? ISFLOW ??? DTRANS3D? Developed by Dr. Joe Lin's group at CDNSWC Carderock MD, USA. These cfd codes are used for ship design. SLAW, PMARC, SWIFT, and XYZFS are Potential Flow solvers, and furthur SLAW, SWIFT, and XYZFS have a free surface boundary condition.


>From Juliusz Kirejczyk /
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 20:33:04 -0800


finite element method, integrated with ANSYS pre/postprocessor

Silicon Graphics, Inc. catalogue (75 positions)


(c) Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved

Riemann Problem Package

Eli L. Isaacson, Dan Marchesin, and Bradley J. Plohr
SUNY Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The executable file "rp" contained in the present directory has been compiled on a SPARCstation 2. It requires OpenWindows 2.0 and the Sun Fortran library to work.

The program "rp" is an interactive graphics program for exploring systems of two quadratic conservation laws. It includes the ability to construct: integral curves Hugoniot curves wave curves (comprising rarefaction, shock, and composite segments) wave speed diagrams bifurcation loci (including coincidence, inflection, secondary bifurcation, and double sonic loci) solutions of Riemann problems ********************************************************************************* NOTICE: You are free to use this program for studying quadratic models and formulating conjectures about their solutions. If this program provides useful insight, please acknowledge its use in any relevant publication. *********************************************************************************

CHAMMP repository

Access via ftp. Here is an excerpt from README file:

Downloaded from; 2/24/94 # chammp # ====== # This directory contains items relating to the numerical solution # of the shallow water equations in spherical geometry. # The shallow water equations are used as a kernel for both # oceanic and atomospheric general circulation models and # are of interest in evaluating numerical methods for weather # forecasting and climate modeling. The DOE Computer Hardware, # Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics (CHAMMP) program # is interested in the development of new mathematical methods # for these problems. To promote this developmet, a set of # test cases has been proposed and example software and reference # solutions are provided. [snip]

NACHOS - FEM for incompressible flows

>From Jonas T. Holdeman, Jr. /
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 1995 15:09:52 -0500

I am surprised you don't have any mention of the NACHOS II code by D. K. Gartling of Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico 97185, USA. I had no trouble obtaining a free copy. The code is documented in two reports: "NACHOS II - A Finite Element Computer Program for Incompressible Flow Problems, Part I - Theoretical Background (SAND86-1816 UC-32) and Part II - User's Manual (SAND86-1817 UC-32). The code is written in Fortran. It features triangular and quadrilateral elements, primative variables, with post-processing for stream-function, fluid stress and flux computation. I heard that Gartling was working on a 3D version of Nachos, but I don't know for sure. There should be several other codes from Sandia.

FMS-1D (Fluid Modeling System)

Barry Merriman / /
UCSD Fusion Energy Research Center
UCLA Dept. of Math

Distribution file is obtainable via ftp. Here is an excpert from FMS-1D doc/Manual/UserManual:

FMS (Fluid Modeling System) is a system for constructing and numerically solving the kinds of equations that arise in general fluid flow problems, i.e. systems of conservation laws. The current version handles flows in one space dimension, plus time. FMS is intended to be a flexible and powerful general purpose tool for this type of modeling. The user supplies FMS with a description of the spatial domain, and the system of equations to be solved, including any boundary conditions or initial conditions, and FMS attempts to compute the the corresponding solution (steady state or time dependant).

Flomerics Inc. (FLOTHERM)

>From Brian Pospichal /
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 10:52:42 -0600

FLOTHERM: FLOTHERM is designed to provide an analysis tool for all aspects of thermal problems arising in electronic equipment. It is particularly powerful in cases where convective cooling is domonant or critical. It provides complete analysis of the flow of cooling fluid (usually air) simultaneously with thermal analysis. FLOTHERM handles thermal and fluid dynamic behavior for: * 2D and 3D * steady and transient * laminar and turbulent * forced and natural convection * convection,conduction and (to an extent) radiation. * conjugate heat transfer FLOTHERM is based on techniques of CFD, specifically the Finite Control Volume approach. * It operates in cartesian coordinates * Calculation is performed in a rectangular cuboid solution domain * Solution requires calculation throughout the domain of the variables: - fluid (air) velocities in the x, y and z directions (u,v and w) - fluid static pressure (p) - temperature of fluid and, if required, in solid regions (T) The variables are in general functions of x,y and z, and time t. FLOTHERM is available, commercially, from: Corporate Headquarters- Flomerics Limited 81 Bridge Road Hampton Court Surrey KT8 9HH England North American Office- Flomerics Inc. 57 Main Street Suite 201 Westborough, MA 01581 USA

Computational Mechanics Corporation

>From James D. Freels /
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 10:48 EDT

AKCESS.4CFD Computational Mechanics Corporation finite-element & AKCESS.* 601 Concord St., Suite 116 implicit time step Knoxville, TN. 37919-3382 template input of equations >From CFD Lab /
Date: 17 Feb 1995 16:25:48 GMT

Any one who is interested in computational mechanics and do not like to write lengthy codes to get a solution should try the new AKCESS.* platform. For a brief overview look into the WWW mosaic page at

NPARC Flow Solver

>From Ralph Jones /
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 95 14:02:11 -0600


The NPARC code embodies the most recent, proven CFD technology available. It is a general-purpose fluid flow simulator ideally suited to applications which involve complex geometries. In the hands of a fluid dynamist with a basic familiarity with CFD technology, the NPARC code is a powerful tool for the analysis of many complex flows of immediate interest. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NPARC Navier-Stokes code is a general purpose computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool which is applicable to a wide variety of aerospace design and analysis problems involving fluid flow. It is actively supported by the NPARC Alliance, a partnership between the NASA Lewis Research Center and the Arnold Engineering Development Center. This Alliance seeks to enhance the military and commercial competitiveness of the United States through the establishment of the NPARC code as a national resource. The NPARC flow simulation program is used to calculate the properties of a fluid flow, based on specified boundary surfaces and flow conditions. These boundary surfaces can be quite complex and the fluid can be treated generally. Inviscid and viscous flows can be calculated. Viscous flows can be laminar or turbulent and can be treated as fully viscous or as shear layer flows. This computer program may be used to simulate steady-state and transient flows. The NPARC code, which is written in FORTRAN 77, is easily ported to most computer architectures (e.g. SGI and IBM workstations, VAX minicomputers, Cray and Convex supercomputers). It is robust and fairly easy to use. Anyone who is familiar with computers and has a basic understanding of the physics of fluid flows should have little trouble learning how to apply the NPARC code. NPARC code flow simulations have had a demonstrable impact on aerospace propulsive applications as diverse as supersonic and hypersonic inlet design, rocket nozzle failure analysis, and turbine engine exhaust mixer design. This computer program has also proven capable of treating many other aerodynamic problems, such as, missile nose cone analysis, instrumentation probe design, and ducted flow analysis. TECHNICAL FEATURES The principal distinguishing features of the NPARC flow simulation software are its generality, flexible grid requirements, robustness, and modeling versatility. GENERALITY The basis of the algorithms used in the NPARC code is the complete Navier-Stokes equations in conservation law form. Various specializations are provided. For example, the viscous terms can be selectively calculated so that a thin-layer simulation can be performed or an inviscid (Euler) flow-field calculated. Similarly, for viscous simulations the fluid flow can be treated as laminar or turbulent as desired. GRID FLEXIBILITY The principal distinguishing feature of the NPARC code is its generalized treatment of boundary conditions. Physical and computational boundaries may be located on any grid surface without restriction. Any portion of any grid surface may be a boundary surface. Common boundary conditions (e.g., slip and no-slip wall, symmetry plane, free-stream) can easily be selected for each boundary. These features allow complex geometries to be readily treated using a single grid. Complex geometries may also be broken into a number of grid blocks. Grid blocking circumvents computer memory limitations, simplifies grid generation about complex geometries and permits grid embedding techniques. Communication between grid blocks is accomplished through the overlapping of grids. Adjoining grid blocks do not need to have an exact match of grid points. ROBUSTNESS The NPARC code is also very robust. A semiautomatic time-step control feature allows flow simulations to proceed from nearly arbitrary initial conditions with little danger of divergence. This is accomplished by monitoring and limiting the maximum change in the flow field between iterations. In steady-state calculations, the time-step size is determined by stability considerations. An optimal time-step size is used for each grid point, reducing the total number of iterations to reach steady-state. TURBULENCE MODELS Another distinguishing feature of the NPARC code is its flexible turbulence modeling capabilities. The general purpose algebraic turbulence model, although optimized for free shear layers at moderate Mach numbers, provides reasonable viscous effects for almost any combination of shear layers. A standard Baldwin and Lomax algebraic turbulence model is also provided as an option when maximum accuracy is required in skin friction and heat transfer. When an algebraic turbulence model is inappropriate, either a one-equation model (Baldwin-Barth) or a two-equation model (Chien k-epsilon) may be used. ALGORITHMS Almost any flow idealization can be simulated: 2-D, axisymmetric, or 3-D; inviscid, laminar, or turbulent; steady state, or transient. These flow simulations are calculated using either the pentadiagonalized form of the Beam and Warming approximate factorization algorithm or the Jameson multilevel scheme. The Beam and Warming algorithm is an implicit, computationally robust scheme for solving the Navier-Stokes equations. The most attractive feature of the algorithm, as modified by Pulliam, is that it forms an ADI type of scheme in which each sweep involves the inversion of a set of scalar pentadiagonal matrices. The Jameson multilevel algorithm is second-order accurate in time. It may be used in the form of a three-, four- or five- stage scheme. The Beam and Warming algorithm has the best convergence properties, while the Jameson scheme has the best time-accuracy. ACQUISITION ELIGIBILITY AND ALLOWABLE USES The NPARC Software is releasable to all US owned companies, public and private Universities, and government agencies. However, only US citizens and resident aliens may have access to the software. In general requests from foreign owned, controlled, or influenced (nonresident foreign nationals on the board of directors) corporations will not be granted. AEDC will use the Defense Logistic Agency or the Defense Investigative Service database to verify the ownership of the corporation. Corporations or other entities not listed in these databases will be considered on a case by case basis. The software may be used for any purpose in the national interest. This includes enhancing either the economic or military competitiveness of the United States. It may not be used in a contract with a foreign government. Other restrictions are detailed in the Memorandum of Agreement form which must accompany a request for the software. SOFTWARE RELEASE In order to obtain a copy of the NPARC software and documentation, you must fill out the appropriate Software Release Form. There are separate forms for US GOVERNMENT and COMMERCIAL AND ACADEMIC release. This form establishes a Memorandum of Agreement which is the legal mechanism for releasing the NPARC Software to users. It is an Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) form used to release all AEDC developed and/or managed software. The form may be typed or hand written in ink. For copies of the Memorandum of Agreement forms and instructions, see FOR MORE INFORMATION below. Completed forms should be forwarded (via mail or FAX) to: NPARC Support Attn.: Dr. Kyle Cooper 1099 Avenue C Arnold AS, TN 37389-9013 FAX: 615-454-6317 RECEIVING THE SOFTWARE The software can be made available on a variety of mediums (e.g., 1/4 inch tape, 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 inch disk) or via electronic transfer. One should expect to receive the software approximately two weeks after AEDC receives the Memorandum of Agreement form. FOR MORE INFORMATION

I you have any questions concerning NPARC capabilities or acquisition (including requests for Memorandum of Agreement forms and instructions), or the NPARC Alliance, call 615-454-7455 (this number will connect you to the NPARC Hotline at the Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Station, TN USA) or send email to Alternatively, you may contact the NPARC WWW home page at

See also: MDAE.

Computational Mechanics Company, Inc. (COMCO)

Computational Mechanics Company,Inc. (COMCO).

Storesim/Tetmesh a Multi-Body CFD Grid Generation and Flow Solution Software

Unisim a Two-Phase Reservoir Simulator built using PHLEX, a multipurpose hp-adaptive, vector/parallel finite element kernel.

KASIMIR (shock tube simulation program)

KASIMIR: The program is commercially available from the Shock Wave Laboratory. If you need more information, please contact Michael Lenartz, e-mail address:

Livermore Software Technology Corporation

>From Douglas Stillman /
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 95 14:14:21 +0900

The LS-DYNA3D program now has a finite element based Eulerian - Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian capability. The method used is based on a Van Leer advection scheme. The principle application is for fluid-structure interaction problems or fluids problems with moving boundary conditions. The software is commercial and available from: Livermore Software Technology Corporation - Japan Research Institute Engineering Department, ISS-Bldg., 1-33-8, Shinmachi Nishi-Ku, Osaka 550, Japan Tel: 81 6 536-7631 Fax: 81 6 532-9701 E-Mail:

Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center

>From Stephen Kramer /
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:27:58 -0700

The Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center's (ACERC): advanced combustion codes for entrained flows and fixed beds. ACERC is a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored center which specializes in comprehensive combustion code development. PCGC-2 and PCGC-3 (Pulverized Coal Gasification or Combustion, 2 or 3 dimensional) are comprehensive CFD codes that treat coal devolatilization and combustion, gas phase reactions, flow and turbulence, and heat transfer- convective, conductive, and radiative. They have been used to simulate full-scale commercial boilers as well as laboratory-scale reactors. They can be used for non-reactive simulations, gas-phase only simulations, particle dispersion simulations, as well as comprehensive combustion simulations. Special features include advanced NOx formation subroutines, a host of particle reaction subroutines, SOx generation and sorbent interaction, and advanced radiation and turbulence models. Current efforts include: the application to premixed, turbulent flames, specifically gas turbines; inclusion of various gridding techniques; slagging and fouling; refinements to various submodels; and more predictions of commercal furnaces. Reaction Engineering International (REI) codes were based on versions of these codes. The current distribution policy allows older versions (2yrs?) to be public domain, and the newer versions to be available for something like a $30,000 membership fee. Also available is FBED-1, a fixed-bed reaction code. People to contact for information are Scott Hill ( head of the Combustion Computations Laboratory and responsible for PCGC-3 code development, Scott Brewster ( person responsible for advanced turbine code development, and Andy Eaton (, person responsible for industrial interaction and support on code issues. Mike Radulovic ( is responsible for FBED-1 development.
Please contact them for the official information concerning these codes.

NUMECA International s.a.

>From Marc Tombroff /
15 rue Dautzenberg
1050 Brussels
Tel: +32/(02)6292378
Fax: +32/(02)6292880

NUMECA International s.a.

NUMECA is presently offering the following software:

For more information: link to NUMECA.

Computational Engineering International, Inc.

CEI Inc. /
PO Box 14306
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA
tel: (919) 481-4301
fax: (919) 481-4306

EnSight is an advanced CFD postprocessing package with a unique distibuted architecture. For more information, CEI, Inc. or

Software for 3-D Fluid Interfaces (TVD/AC)

NA Digest Sunday, May 21, 1995 Volume 95 : Issue 21
>From Xiaolin Li /
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 10:29:12 +0500
Subject: Software for 3-D Fluid Interfaces Available

Software for simulating the 3-D fluid interface instabilities in compressible fluids (Rayleigh-Taylor and Richymyer-Meshkov instabilities) is available to those who are interested in applying it to scieitific problems.

This code uses a resolution enhanced numerical scheme for contact surface, that is, the second order TVD with artificial compression (TVD/AC). The fluid contact interface is traced through the level set method. The code has both the seriel and parallel modes and can be run in parallel and distributed system such as the iPSC-860 and the PVM. The output features the triangulated surface which can be viewed by using the geomview software package.

For detail and to obtain this code, please send email to:

Tomasz Plewa / tomek@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE /