A New Threat

Welcome to the WWW home page of the Star Wars Mush 2!

Message of the Day: We are IC and open!

This page contects:
* The God of this Mush
* A short Introduction
* Informations about the different organisations
* Try an on-line session
* Registration sheet
* The downloading side

Sorry, here should be a picture :-)
Wow, is he cute!

The God of this Mush is Luke Skywalker (who else ;-P) You can mail him to register a char (al311@cleveland.freenet.edu):

If you like this Mush and want to register, click here and fill out the character sheet. I want to register!

Sorry, here should be a picture :-)
He is really impressing!

If you are ready to face the bad and want to try the Star Wars Mush, run an on-line telnet session and click on its name. Yeah, I want to try: A New Threat

If you want to read a few introducing texts about this Mush, click on its subject:

Sorry,here should be a picture:-)

If you want to know more about the different factions and organisations, read these messages (not all orgs do have informations yet):

+ Citadel
+Corporate Sector Authority
+ Empire
+Free Spacers League
+New Republic
+Talon Karrde Organization
+Techren Corporation
+United Wookiee Clans

To download the Mush manual or other nice things, click here: Downloading

Sorry, here should be a picture :-)

Star Wars Trademark(R) and (C)opyright 1994, Lucasfilm LTD.
Last updated 16. March 1995
Lady Athena Nessus: jradelef@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de