This World Wide Web server contains information about scientists and the funding of science -- the most important and least understood engine of progress in the world.
Today's scientists, and the groupings of scientists called universities, government laboratories, and R&D companies, face two major challenges: 1) how to complete work underway; and 2) how to secure funding for the next project.
The Community of Science is a global registry of scientists designed to provide accurate, thorough, timely, and easy-to-access information about who is working on what subject, and where.
Individual scientists contribute a brief narrative of their work in progress, research interests and expertise, and accomplishments. Like a telephone book, the registry grows in value as it grows in participants. The Expertise database currently contains over 40,000 records, and already is a valuable resource for scientists seeking collaborators, and for organizations that fund scientific research. Johns Hopkins University (Medical Insititutions, General) and the University City Science Center are institutions that have directly supported this activity as investors.
Institutions that participate in the Community of Science benefit from a number of value-added services, such as building entire faculty databases, listing Inventions and Facilities, and publishing hard copy directories.
The Community of Science's philosophy is to provide scientists with all the tools it can afford to provide on a shared-cost basis. The more members the system has, the more information it will be able to offer. Access is not available to everyone on the World Wide Web. The Community of Science operates a commercial-grade Internet server designed to provide access to the scientific research community.
Individual scientists must do their share to create this resource. If you do not already have a profile on the system, please select ADD Yourself to the Expertise Database, complete the online form, and send us your information. All submissions are reviewed by technical editors before being added to the database.
Institutions that participate in the Community of Science are encouraged to create two links between their own "Home Page" and this World Wide Web information system. The first link is to the field searching interface that presents the records of that institution only. Records of scientists at other universities and laboratories are not available through this customized view.
The second link is to the main Community of Science Home Page, which provides access to the full range of information on the system.
For membership information, please select:
We would like your input. To obtain further information, or just to send us a message, please drop us a note.