Linux Documentation Project Home Page

Linux is a complete, copylefted UNIX clone for Intel 386/486/Pentium machines. It includes Emacs, X11R6, gcc, TeX/LaTeX, groff, TCP/IP, SLIP, UUCP, the works. Here's everything you ever wanted to know about Linux but were afraid to ask.
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Important: If you are accessing these pages from a site other than, they are mirrored from there. Here is a list of mirrors of the LDP WWW pages.

You can retrieve all of the Linux-related documents here via anonymous FTP from Sunsite or one of its many mirrors.

WWW site admins: You can now mirror the LDP WWW pages via FTP for distribution on other sites. Configure your FTP mirroring software to download the tree, user linuxdoc, password linuxdoc. If you set up such a mirror, let me know.

Want to help? I'm looking for a Linux-savvy artist to design colourful icons for this page: For links to other sites, one for each category of HOWTO, and so forth. If you're interested drop me a line.

Suggestions welcome! Mail your comments and ideas to the Linux Home Page maintainer here.

What's new?

General Information

Linux HOWTOs

The Linux HOWTO documents each give tutorials and information on various features of the system. You can also FTP these documents from

Also available:

Linux Documentation Project Manuals

As time goes on this list will expand. latex2html is used to convert these documents. The output is not quite perfect; sooner or later we'll find the time to tailor for HTML production.

Products, Companies, and Organizations

Here are links to commercial sites which carry Linux-related products and information, including hardware, software, and books. Please
mail me if you have links to add to this list.

User Groups

Links to Linux-related user groups, all over the world.
Mail me if you want your site added to this list.


Here are other pages which have Linux-related information.

Downloading the Software

Once you've read the above documents, you're ready to download the Linux software, right? Here are pointers to several Linux FTP sites. Note that use of FTP over the Web can be somewhat wasteful; use sparingly.

Linux Journal

Linux Journal is the monthly magazine for and about the Linux community. It is published by SSC, Inc., makers of the UNIX Pocket References that you may be familiar with. A number of Linux activists write for LJ. Article subjects range from novice questions and answers to kernel programming.

Other Documents


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Share and enjoy!

Matt Welsh,

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