List of Servers (USA - District of Columbia)

CERN's Server Summary or our locally maintained Server Lists

If you have a web server located in the District of Columbia and would like to have it included in this list please e-mail your request to Please include your URL, a title and a brief description.

District of Columbia

ACADEME THIS WEEK ( The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Beginning every Tuesday at 12 noon, Eastern time, readers can see a guide to the contents of that week's issue of The Chronicle -- plus all of the "Positions Available" advertisements from that week's issue. Hundreds of new job openings are listed every week at colleges, universities, and other organizations. Among other features of ACADEME THIS WEEK: A calendar of events in academe and a list of important deadlines for grants, papers, and fellowships.

ACM Special Interest Group on the Ada programming language
Information on the SIGAda organization, including the many different working groups within SIGda. You'll find information on topics such as bindings, software standards, reuse, performance issues, artificial intelligence, and Ada, just to name a few. Officially Mandated

Advertising Law Internet Site
This server is from Arent Fox Kinter Plotkin & Kahn.

AirForceLINK, the Air Force's Home Page, includes fact sheets on weapon systems, biographies on senior leaders, photos of aircraft and current operations around the world, digital audio clips of music by Air Force bands, a virtual display of selected pieces from the Air Force art collection, and a master index of more than three dozen other home pages throughout the Air Force.

Alex: A Catalog of Electronic Texts on the Internet
Alex helps users to find and retrieve the full-text of documents on the Internet. It currently indexes over 1800 books and shorter texts by author and title, incorporating texts from Project Gutenberg, Wiretap, the On-line Book Initiative, the Eris system at Virginia Tech, the English Server at Carnegie Mellon University, Project Bartlesby, CCAT, the on-line portion of the Oxford Text Archive, and many others.

The All-New Ode to Coffee
The Mighty Ode to Coffee has been updated with new information about Internet Cafes, coffee essays, and a hiphype new look. We're taking full advantage of Netscape's...ahh...straying from the HTML specs. An Ode to Coffee is hosted by Flightpath Communications, a provider of affordable Internet publishing services.

The American Chemical Society
The ACS is a self-governed membership organization based in Washington, DC, consisting of nearly 150,000 members - 60% from the chemical industry, at all degree levels.

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Information about AERA, several searchable databases, and an extensive list of resources of interest to social science professionals. AERA's primary goal is the advancement of educational research and its practical application.

Amercian Geophysical Union (AGU) Home Page
AGU programs, meetings, publications and information services for members, the media, educators, students, and society. Current awareness of geophysics research. News and short scientific articles about earth, ocean, atmosphere and space science.

American Institutes for Research
This server outlines American Institutes for Research. At this time there is a brief outline of the institute's capabilities and describes some of the work we have done. The hope to expand the web services offered here in the near future. Experimental

American Memory-Motion Pictures
The American Memory Project of the Library of Congress announces a motion video collection entitled "Early Motion Pictures from the Library of Congress, 1897-1916." These films represent the first chapter in the history of the medium. Included are scenes of President McKinley, the Pan-American Exposition, New York City, and San Francisco at the time of the 1906 earthquake.

American Psychological Association
Information on the field of psychology and on the American Psychological Association, the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and the world's largest association of psychologists. Officially Mandated

American University (EagleInfo)
American University's campus-wide information system. It contains information about academic programs, university-sponsored events and univerisity social activities. It also provides gateways to outside locations.

AMI News Recreations Server
AMI News is the largest recreation news network in the country. This server contains local, regional, and national recreation news. (e.g., daily snow skiing reports, camping information)

The Annenberg Washington Program
For over 11 years The Annenberg Washington Program in Communications Policy Studies of Northwestern University has provided a neutral forum to assess the impact of communications technologies and public policies. They serve as a bridge between policymakers, industry officials, academics, the press and the public.

Association of America's Public Television Stations Web Pages
A non-profit organization serving the U.S. public television stations.

Association of Research Libraries
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) represents the interests of 119 libraries that serve major North American research institutions. ARL programs and services promote equitable access to and effective use of knowledge in support of teaching, research, scholarship, and community service.

Astound Yourself
Information on multimedia by Gold Disk, Inc.

Australian Embassy, Washington, DC, WWW
General information about Australia.

The Benton Foundation
National Information Infrastructure

The Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform
Established in November of 1993 to recommend long-term changes to America's entitlement programs and tax structure. The Commission, comprised of 32 members, has approved an interim report to the President outlining America's long-term fiscal dilemma, a document describing potential reforms to America's entitlement programs, and in interactive computer program using the reform options.

The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
BNA is a leading publisher of specialized business, legislative, judicial, and regulatory information services.

Business USA: The Washington Connection
This page, a part of the Greater Washington Board of Trade's WWW pages, contains information about an upcoming conference titled: Business USA: The Washington Connection. This conference is for foreign business executives who want to do business in the USA with a special emphasis on telecommunications. The conference will be held May 15-19th in Washington, DC, USA. Contact for more information. Officially Mandated

Carr, Goodson & Lee, P.C.
The firm's attorneys handle a broad range of litigation for a wide variety of industries and businesses of all types and sizes.

The Catholic University of America
The official WWW home page of The Catholic University of America, containing information about the schools of the university; university resources, including libraries and computing; and links to other university information sources.

Census IT Standards
This page contains a collection of links to Internet resources about information technology (IT) standards. The activities reflected by entries in this page include federal information processing standards and related NIST publications, standards activities of X3 technical committees, IEEE standards development activities, and the work supported by a number of IT industry consortia.

The Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST)
in Washington, DC is pleased to announce Solstice, a World Wide Web server with documents, exhibits, and resources about renewable energy, energy efficiency, and related issues. Currently on Solstice you'll find exhibits on photovoltaics in Switzerland and Indonesia, an illustrated report on Non-Motorized Vehicles in transportation planning, trade association information, and more.

Creative Services
Art & design for the information age. Experienced graphic designers, with expertise in information graphics and technologies as well as corporate communications, we offer a variety of services for both private industry and government: web design (HTML authoring and turn-key web server set-up), multimedia (including video, animation, sound bites, CD-ROM, 3-D rendering), illustration, book design, annual reports, poster design, educational publications, logo design, catalogs & directories, magazines & newsletters, direct mail, and promotional publications. NetScape enhanced-11am to 5pm EST.

DC City Pages
The Washington DC City Pages is an independent effort to create a Web based service that ties the many internet resources that Washington DC has to offer into a single resource. Internet users local and abroad can now access information on DC area Restaurants, Entertainment, Travel, Weather, Shopping, and much more from a single easy to navigate lynx or Mosaic interface.

DCWEB, located on a high speed Internet connection, serves the Washington D.C. area as a premiere hosting site for all types of businesses and organizations. With the advent of DCWEB's Small Business Center, small businesses can now afford a Web site of their own.

Darby Digital Communications
A graphic arts service bureau located in D.C.

Disability Resources
Devoted to people with disabilities sponsored by Evan Kemp Associates (EKA)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a civil liberties organization working to protect rights on-line and to promote virtual communities.

EPA's Green Lights Program
The Green Lights program is a voluntary pollution prevention program that encourages corporations, cities, states, government organizations, and nonprofit organizations to upgrade lighting in their offices and factories with more energy-efficient technologies. EPA assists participants with software tools, training, manuals, financial information, and public recognition.

En Route Information Highway sponsors Internet '95: The First Seminar on Internet For Business
EIH, an Internet consulting and training organization in Washington, DC, is pleased to announce its Seminar on Internet for Business. Join us on Saturday, April 1st at The Embassy Suites Hotel in Washington, DC, for Internet '95.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE)
Information about educational testing, and resources to encourage responsible test use. This site features searches of the ERIC abstracts and full text databases; the Test Locator (description of education and psychological assessment instruments); publications about educational testing; and general information about the ERIC system.

Exploring Learning & Instruction
Theories of learning and instruction Experimental

FedWorld Information Network
Information on US Government reports, studies and information products. Also provides a subject index to more than 200 servers with US Government information. Provided by the US Department of Commerce's National Technical Information Service. Officially Mandated.

A magazine of the French community abroad.

The Garden Patch
The Virtual Mirror

General Services Administration
The General Services Administration now has a home page on the web. (07/05/1994)

Georgetown University
Georgetown University has a WWW server running that provides information about the University as well as various academic programs, including the Labyrinth (a medieval studies information center) and the Catalogue of Projects in Electronic Text (a directory of sources of e-texts). Planned for the near future is an information center for American studies and a Campus-Wide Information System. (06/09/1994)

GEWEX Home Page
Information about the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) program.

Home Recording Rights Coalition Home Page
In October, 1981, within a court declaring sales of VCRs illegal, the Home Recording Rights Coalition began fighting to protect consumers' rights to use home recording products. Fourteen years later, the issues are Cable TV and the "information superhighway," and HRRC has a site on the World Wide Web. Keep up with the fight to protect consumers' rights -- visit the HRRC home page. Officially Mandated

Howard University
The official Web server for Howard University, including pages on computing resources, schools and colleges.

Institute of Medicine
The Institue of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional charter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education. Officially Mandated.

INTELSAT - International Satellite Telecommunications Organization
Telecommunication services provided by INTELSAT (International Satellite Telecommunications Organization) Officially Mandated

The Inter-American Development Bank/Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)
The IADB makes loans to Latin American and Caribbean countries with development purposes. Information in this WEB server can help american companies with interest in doing business with Latin America to find out about proyects which might need their services. Also, how to participate in their business briefs and conferences.

The International Food Information Council
Scientific research, informational materials, graphics, and other information on a broad range of food issues. Officially Mandated.

International Small Satellite Organization
The ISSO MicroSpace Network is an information clearinghouse for anyone interested in small and low cost space programs. Our server is available 24 hours a day for those seeking company and product information, as well as news and stories of general interest to the space enthusiast.

The Internet Comes to Washington
The Washington, D.C. Chapter of Internet Society (DC-ISOC) is sponsoring its inaugural event on March 9, 1995.

The Internet Letter
Via the First Virtual Infohaus server, format scoups and industry analysis, internet advertising and more.

Internet Love Fest
Several hot web authors team up to present their portfolios. Experimental

Issue Dynamics, Inc (IDI)
A Washington, D.C.-based public affairs consulting firm, provides a complete range of public policy-related Internet services. Clients include:

Library of Congress WWW Server
Library of Congress Exhibits, The Library of Congress Catalog (via gopher) Federal Research Division Country Studies American Memory Project, including 4000 photographs searchable by keyword or subject. Collections include Selected Civil War Photographs, The VanVechten Portrait Collection, and the Farm Services Administration/Office of War Information Collection. Officially Mandated.

Men's Tennis Rankings and Results
The men's professional tennis tour, including rankings, results, and other statistical information. Officially Mandated

National Academy of Engineering
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its administration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal government. The National Acadmey of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages education and research, and recognizes the superior achievements of engineers. Officially Mandated.

National Academy Press
The National Academy Press would like to announce the release of the Office for Central Europe and Eurasia World Side Web Home Page. The homepage announces research and grant programs for Cooperation in Applied Science and Technology, Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering, and Collaborative Research in Sectoral Policy.

National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the futherance of science and technology and to their use for general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Officially Mandated.

National Archives and Records Administration
Main server for agency, maintains pointers to other work being done in the agency.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA Home Page

National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
The NODC is one of the environmental data centers operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other users in the United States and around the world.

National Press Club
A professional and social organization for journalists.

National Research Council
The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purpose of futhering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. Officially Mandated.

National Science Foundation's STIS

Native American Resource Page
American Indian issues and information.

Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence
The Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence performs both basic and applied research in areas such as machine learning, natural language, robotics and vision, human-computer interaction, Intelligent M4 (Multimodal/Multimedia) Systems, and interface design and evaluation. Our server supplied information about our research, and contains pointers to related work. Research papers can be obtained online. Officially Mandated

The New Environmentalist Magazine
The New Environmentalist is a monthly journal of practical sustainability, concentrating on how people can promote sustainable development in the home, in the community, and on the job. Officially Mandated

Newt Watch
Information on House Speaker.

NOW--The National Organization for Women
Founded in 1996, NOW has grown into the largest feminist organization in the U.S. For nearly 30 years NOW activists have been at the forefront of every issue relating to full equality for women in the U.S. society.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Contains links to safety and health related issues, and will be publishing OSHA documents, reports and statistics soon (9/28/94).

ONE Magazine
The electronic version of Washington DC's most popular alternative Black newsmagazine. Featuring art, culture, music and politics by some of the nation's most exciting Black writers and poets.

Orwell's Revenge
This book is the latest by Peter Huber who is one of the top spokespersons on the telecommunications revolution.

OSA OpticsNet
OSA OpticsNet, the Home Page of the Optical Society of America, covers all aspects of optical physics and optical engineering. OSA, founded in 1916, has more than 11,000 members in some 50 countries. Our server provides information on quantum electronics, photonics, vision & medical optics, information processing, optical science, and optical technology & engineering. Updated regularly. Officially Mandated.

Pepper and Corazzini
The law firm of Pepper and Corazzini, which specializes in radio and television broadcasting, cable, MMDS, cellular, radio common carrier, and telecommunications law, provides information on recent developments in these areas. Officially Mandated

Picture Conversion, Inc.
Provides digital imaging services that include PhotoCD scanning, CD-ROM mastering and prepass production. Picture Gallery includes over 200 images from local artists and photographers.

PIE - Policy Information Exchange
PIE Online provides publically accessible WWW and Gopher sites containing information and resources of interest to the Health and Mental Health Community.

Podesta Associates
Podeta Associates, a full-service policy and public affairs firm, provides a broad range of strategic and advocacy services, including extensive, bipartisan lobbying, creation and management of issue-based coalitions and grassroot organizations, specialized legislative and regulatory analysis, and attention-grabbing public and media affairs campaigns.

Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC)
Hiking guides and maps and information about the club.

POW/MIA Database
This database assists researchers investigating the U.S. government documents pertaining to U.S. military personnel killed, missing, or imprisioned in Southeast Asia during or after the Vietnam Conflict.

The Real Time Support for the Warrier Home Page
AIT Branch of the Naval Research Laboratory

The Sidwell Friends School
The Sidwell Friends School is a private school located in Northwest Washington, DC. This server contains information on the school, its courses, activities, and the student-run newspaper, Horizon.

Sleep Apnoea Online Reference for Education (SNORE)
SNORE provides information about the sleep disorder known as sleep apnoea. This potentially dangerous condition is typically characterized by excessively loud snoring, gasping for breath, and/or complete cessation of breathing during sleep.

Smithsonian Institution
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies located at the National Air and Space Museum along with its Regional Planetary Images Facility (RPIF) is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The purpose of this NASA supported RPIF is to act as a reference library providing planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data from planetary missions. Currently we are in the process of placing some of the 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites in our collection online.

Software Publishers Association
A trade association of software publishers in the U.S. and Europe.

Somar Software
Somar Software is the maker of Somar DumpAcl (tm) an other utilities for Windows NT. Somar DumpAcl provides a concise report of file system permissions, which makes it easy to find "holes" in system security. Evaluation copies of all software available or downloading via ftp links. Officially Mandated

Soundprint Media Center
The critically acclaimed Soundprint radio documentary series and other public radio resources.

Space Studies Board
Information on the committees working in the areas of astronomy and astrophysics, earth studies, microgravity research, planetary and lunar exploration, space biology and medicine, solar and space physics, and the future of space science.

Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network
A non-profit venture of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) in combination with the National Institute of Mental Health to help provide information about the Stanley Foundation and bipolar (manic depressive) illness research and treatment.

An information service providing economic, business, social, and environmental data produced by more than 50 federal sources. Topics include basic export information, trade opportunities, overseas contacts, economic trends, and much more.

Steve's Ant Farm
See the live ants--dig tunnels, build bridges, move mountains! Fun for the whole family... The image of the ant farm is automatically updated on the hour. It's snapshot is taken with a Connectix QuickCam on a Mac, using Timed Video Grabber. Steve's Ant Farm is open daily from 11am to 5pm EST.

Steven's Home Page
Regional activities around the Washington, DC area. Experimental

The TelComLaw Home Page
The TelComLaw Home Page provides information and resources on federal telecommunications law and policy, including the FCC Daily Business Files Compilation for the five most recent days and detailed definitions and data for FCC prescribed cellular and PCS market areas.

THOMAS-Legislative Information on the Internet
Provides legislative information on the workings of Congress on a day-to-day basis.

tilt~a~gurl network homepage
A girl run network through which girls can connect and communicate with other girls. It's all about girls communication from the head of the pigtail revolution.

TradeFair International, Inc.
An on-line service for international trade and investment. TradeFair's databases contain thousands of current trade leads, government tenders, trade shows, business contacts, marketing reports and much more. We also offer direct links to credit reports, export licensing, and financing sources.

Transient Images
Weekly eZine dealing with television and film.

U.S. Army Financial Management WWW Server
This server provides informaiton on U.S. Army finanacial management to both the general public and Army resource managers. It contains data on Army budgets, financial regulations, career opportunities, articles on financial management, and connections to other government WWW sites. Users with slow speed connections should disable the "autoload inline graphics" options ince the home page contains many icons and other graphics. Officially Mandated

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' LABSTAT database contains a wide range of statistics in the broad area of labor economics, including employment and unemployment figures, consumer price index, producer price index, wages, productivity, etc. Data is provided in the form of news releases with high-level aggregates as well as detailed histroical time series.

U.S. Department of Commerce Information Locator Service
Information from the Office of the Secretary, Information and links to each of the Department's Agency's , and the online services offered by the Department, including the National Trade Data Bank, and the National Economic, Social, and Environmental Data Bank. Officially Mandated.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
OERI is pleased to announce a new Internet World Wide Web (WWW) server, which provides public access to education research, statistics, and information about the U.S. Department of Education and its programs.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition is pleased to announce the availability of a World Wide Web server. We are adding documents and updating links several times per week.

United States General Services Administration
The United States General Services Administration, Online ordering for Government Agencies from The Federal Supply Service, Documents provided by the Consumer Information Center, National Performance Review, Federal Acquisition Regulations and much much more. Officially Mandated

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
This server provides institutional information about the Museum and its programs. In the future, data resources and on-line exhibitions will be available at this address.

U.S. House of Representatives World Wide Web Server
U.S. House of Representatives World Wide Web Server provides open access to the activities of the U.S. House of Representatives, including the full text of House Bills and the status of all bills and the resolutions being considered by the Congress. Officially Mandated

United States Naval Observatory
General Information about the Observatory, star catalogs, earth orientation information, precise time and time interval information, and more.

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Connection Machine Facility at the Naval Research Laboratory.

Universities Space Research Association
USRA is a private, nonprofit corporation established in 1969 by the National Academy of Sciences at the request of NASA. We provide a mechanism through which universities may cooperate with one another, with the US government, and with other research organizations.

Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti WWW
The Venable law firm maintains an authorized WWW server that provides informtion on the firm's legal services and topical legal materials, particularly issues of concern to electronic information providers.

Virtual Reality and Technologies for Combat Simulation
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. This document describes uses of synthetic-environment technologies for simulating combat. It traces technology development from the 1929 Link Trainer through the SAGE air defense system, the first head-mounted display, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's SIMNET simulator networking project.

WANT Publishing Company
WANT Publishing offers court references relied on by attorneys, librarians, and those interested in the U.S. court system.

Washington Research Library Consortium

Washington Redskins
Information on the Washington Redskins.

Washington Telecom Newswire Server
The Washington Telecom Newswire is a daily news service directed at telecommunications industry professionals who need immediate news about their industry. For the latest info in federal legislation affecting the industry, Federal Communications Commission orders or Federal Court actions, access Washington Telecom Newswire on To access the site, go to the "read me" document for background on Washington Telecom Newswire and samples of the articles are also available.

Washingtonian Online
The Washingtonian magazine is pleased to provide its insider's guide to the nation's Capitol. Washingtonian Online is a service designed to help residents and visitors find the best of life in Washington: the best restaurants, entertainment, doctors, schools, shopping and more.

WestLake Solutions, Inc.
Internet services focusing on internet business solutions.

The White House Fellowships
Provides gifted and highly motivated young Americans some firsthand experience in the process of governing the nation and a sense of personal involvement in the leadership of society.

Whole Wheel Velo Club
WWVC bicycle racing team.

World M&A Network
Listings of companies for sale, merger candidates, and corporate buyers

WorldNews OnLine
The server carries Latin American Newspapers, mostly Brasil and Mexico. Officially Mandated

(c) Federal Information Exchange, Inc 12/05/1994 --
Last Updated: Tuesday, 11-Apr-95 08:57:59 EDT
Access Count: 10781 (since 03/23/95)