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Bylaws of The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group Inc.ARTICLE 1-NAMEThe name of this organization shall be 'The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group Inc.', hereinafter known as CUCUG. CUCUG is a private, not-for-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. ARTICLE 2-PURPOSEThe object of CUCUG is to promote the use and knowledge of computers and computer products for personal fulfillment, recreation and pleasure through a non-profit organization. CUCUG is against all forms of software piracy and will actively discourage any such practices. ARTICLE 3-MEMBERSHIPSection 1: All persons with an interest in computers and associated products are eligible for membership without regard to race, creed, sex or national origin. Section 2: Active and Lifetime Honorary shall be the only classes of membership. Persons residing in the same household may be listed on the sponsor's application and will be counted as members. However, regardless of the number of persons counted on an application, there will be only one vote per membership. Section 3: Term of membership will be from 1 January to 31 December of any calendar year. Persons who have not renewed membership by the end of the first Board meeting of the new year will be considered delinquent and will not be eligible for any rights or benefits of membership. Section 4: Active members and their one-time guests only will be admitted to meetings or receive other group priviledges and benefits. Section 5: The membership, by a 2/3 vote may choose to award an annual "Lifetime Honorary Membership" to certain individuals in acknowledgement for their years of service to the computing community. These "Lifetime" members will be afforded all the rights and privileges of active membership. Section 6: The Executive Committee may by unanimous vote revoke the membership of any CUCUG member participating in software piracy or any other criminal activity at a CUCUG-sponsored event. If the member in question is a member of the Executive Committee, a unanimous vote of the remaining Executive Committee members is required for revocation. ARTICLE 4-OFFICERSSection 1: Officers shall be elected by the membership at the December Annual Meeting and their term of office shall be for the following calendar year. All candidates for office must be members in good standing. Section 2A: The elected officers of CUCUG shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Corporation Agent. Section 2B: The President shall preside at all business meetings of CUCUG. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. He will appoint chairmen of all committees as well as Librarian and Corresponding Secretary. The President shall be, ex-officio, an additional member of all committees of CUCUG and will perform as advisor to the Executive Committee for the year following his term of office. He will present an annual report, including finances, to the membership at the Annual Meeting and perform all other duties pertaining to his office. Section 2C: The Vice-President shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and in the absence of the President, shall perform his duties. Section 2D: The Secretary shall keep minutes of CUCUG meetings, Board of Director meetings and Executive Committee meetings and perform such other duties as assigned by the President. Section 2E: The Treasurer shall collect all membership fees and other monies due CUCUG and deposit all monies belonging to CUCUG. He will disburse funds by bank checks or by payments of petty cash insuring proper receipts and records are kept. He will present a financial statement to the board of directors at each board meeting. Section 2F: The Corporation Agent shall maintain the Corporate records; file necessary corporation forms with the State of Illinois and safeguard the interests of the Corporation. He/she shall use his/her residence address as the official Corporate Address of CUCUG. Section 3: If an elected officer shall, for any reason, be unable to complete his term of office, the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor who shall serve for the remainder of the calendar year. ARTICLE 5-EXECUTIVE BOARD
Section 1: The Board of Directors will consist of all elected
officers and committee chairman and will transact the business
of CUCUG. Section 2: The Executive Committee will consist of the elected officers and will act as advisors to the President to decide on matters of immediate importance between meetings of the Board which do not involve the expenditure of funds in excess of $200. The Committee will ratify the President's appointments of chairmen and other positions and will perform all other duties delegated to them by the membership. ARTICLE 6-MEETINGSSection 1: Club meetings will be held monthly or at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The annual meeting will be held in December for the purpose of electing new officers and receiving the financial report. One month prior to the annual meeting a Nominating Committee shall be selected by the membership for the purpose of nominating persons for election for the following year. Their nominations will be presented to the membership for vote at the annual meeting. There will be one vote per paid membership. The President will appoint at least two persons to act as tellers for the purpose of vote counting. The newly elected officers will be installed at the first meeting the following January. Section 2: Regular business meetings will be held monthly or at the discretion of the membership and at the time and place announced by the President. Section 3: Special meetings may be called by order of the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors after receiving a written request from at least five members. Special meetings will be held after giving the membership at least five days notice. Section 4: The Board of Directors will meet semi-annually or at the call of the President to plan and conduct the business of CUCUG. Section 5: The Executive Committee will meet at the call of the President to take care of day to day business or when called by a majority of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 7-QUORUMSection 1: A quorum for a CUCUG Meeting will be 25% of the current total membership. Section 2: A quorum for a Board of Directors meeting or Executive Committee meeting will be a simple majority. ARTICLE 8-DUESSection 1: Annual dues for members payable prior to the first Board of Directors meeting in January will be set by the membership. New members joining after July 1 will pay one-half of the annual dues. Section 2: Members who have not paid their annual dues or have not resigned in writing to the President will become delinquent as of the first Board of Directors meeting of the new year and their membership will be forfeited as of the January board meeting. ARTICLE 9-GUESTSSection 1: Guests will be admitted to one meeting after which they will be required to join CUCUG in order to receive the benefits and priviledges of membership. Members of other Commodore User Groups will always be welcome as guests, however if they attend regularly they will be required to join CUCUG. ARTICLE 10-PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDUREMeetings of CUCUG and of the Board of Directors will be conducted by the rules of parliamentary procedure, and Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, will be the authority for CUCUG in all questions of parliamentary law not covered by the bylaws and standing orders. ARTICLE 11-AMENDMENTSThe bylaws of CUCUG may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, providing a quorum is present and notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting and noted in the CUCUG newsletter. ARTICLE 12-DISSOLUTIONIn the event of the dissolution of CUCUG, Inc. remaining assets after satisfaction of all all obligations of the Corporation shall be distributed within the scope of IRS Code 501©(7) organizations. Effective this postmark date ( / / ), CUCUG, Inc. hereby agrees to abide by the record keeping requiremants and the gross-receipts test of IRS Code 501©(7). Ammendments Approved by membership January 18, 1990 Ammendments Approved by membership January 20, 1995
Ammendments Approved by membership January 18, 1996 |