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Contact The Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group by using our handy comment form or by sending e-mail to cucug@cucug.org. Our postal mailing address is:

PO Box 716
Champaign, IL 61824-0716

The Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group

Benefits of CUCUG Membership

Subscription to one of the finest newsletters

  • Latest industry news and gossip
  • Regular hardware/software reviews
  • Tutorial articles
  • 10 pages, laser-printed and mailed first class

Special Discounts From Top Companies

Many software and hardware-oriented companies have recognized the contributions made to the computing community by CUCUG and and have offered to make exclusive, member-only deals available to CUCUG members. Amiga users, please see our special online membership application which outlines the current CUCUG member-only discounts available.

Informative and enjoyable monthly meetings

  • Visits from national computing experts
  • Three social swap meets per year with free prizes, refreshments and bargains galore
  • Immediate answers to YOUR computing questions from experts
  • Regular hardware and software tutorial presentations
  • Meet new friends who share your computer interests
  • Huge, annual raffle with nearly $10,000 in prizes awarded!

Experts Available

Members of CUCUG include well-respected Amiga and Apple hardware and software experts with a wide variety of backgrounds. We have publishers, vendors, software developers, noted shareware program authors, telecom experts, HTML masters, video producers, book writers and more. These and many other members are available to help you with any questions you may have about your computer.

Club Trips and Special Events

CUCUG, through club sponsored trips, was able to give its members the opportunity to be among the first in Illinois to see the Amiga and C128 when they were unveiled by Commodore. We also sponsor a huge, annual raffle--last year, our members won nearly $10,000 in prizes donated by software and hardware companies who specifically support CUCUG. We have hosted visits by many famous computer experts, Dr. Richard Immers, author of Inside Commodore DOS, Dave "Hazy" Haynie, who designed much of the C128 and Amiga 2000 and Jim Butterfield, author, programmer and foremost authority on Amiga and C64/128 machines, to name but a few.

...And much, much more!

If you're an Amiga, Macintosh or C64/128 user and not a member of CUCUG, then you are really missing out! Join CUCUG today and enjoy the same benefits of membership that CUCUG members have had for over 13 years!

© 1994 - 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org