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The Philosophy

UCI Bookstore Ordering Information

The Pitch

The UCI Bookstore invites your orders by email, US Mail, fax and telephone.

[Stretch List
Outline: When you select a topic link, that topic is expanded while the
remaining topics remain in context around it. Developed by Michael
Herrick (matterform@nets.com)]

V The Philosophy

At the UCI Bookstore, we've been doing business on the Net for over a year now. People like it a lot, whether they're coming in over the Web or using email. The basic reason is that we take our customers seriously. When you order from the UCI Bookstore, you're not just getting books over the Net. You're getting answers and advice, experience in a wide range of subject areas, intelligent correspondence, and a pretty fanatical commitment to customer satisfaction. We gather in books, CDs and videos from our own extensive inventory and from a 500,000-book network. We ship at our cost. And, we keep you informed every step of the way -- unless you'd like us to swiftly and silently execute the order, in which case, assuming that we have all the relevant information, we'll do that instead. In short, we make shopping for books by computer into a humane experience -- one that you'll be happy about.

o How To Do It

o Credit Cards

o Shipping

o The Bookstore and PGP

The UCI Bookstore

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717-1550

Tel: (800) 829-BOOK or (714) 824-BOOK
Fax: (714) 824-8545
Email: books@uci.edu

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