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Credit Cards

UCI Bookstore Ordering Information

The Pitch

The UCI Bookstore invites your orders by email, US Mail, fax and telephone.

[Stretch List
Outline: When you select a topic link, that topic is expanded while the
remaining topics remain in context around it. Developed by Michael
Herrick (matterform@nets.com)]

o The Philosophy

o How To Do It

V Credit Cards

Sending unencrypted credit card information over the Internet involves assuming some risk -- rather like giving your credit card to a waiter to be rung up, or sending a painting through the post in a box sealed with masking tape.

If you feel that including your credit card information in an email message is imprudent, tell us in your message how you'd like us to receive it from you. We'll handle it in whatever way you feel is appropriate. If you've already given it to us in the past, please tell us; it should be on file, and you need not give it again in that case.

The UCI Bookstore now offers PGP -- a way of encrypting messages so that sensitive information such as credit card numbers can be sent with near-complete assurance.

o Shipping

o The Bookstore and PGP

The UCI Bookstore

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717-1550

Tel: (800) 829-BOOK or (714) 824-BOOK
Fax: (714) 824-8545
Email: books@uci.edu

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