Table of Contents
Title page
Index page
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Cooperative work
Why people strive for membership of a group
Group process gains and losses
The notion of common ground
A circumplex model of group task types
Communication channels
Computer support for cooperative work
Enabling technology or improving group productivity
Environmental facets of group work
Characteristics of the task on which the group is working
Computer supported collaborative writing
Effects of CSCW systems
The COOPerator
Classification of The COOPerator
Results of the brainstorm sessions
The document facility
The issue space: structuring group discussion
The mail facility
The graph and the browser
The agenda
An overview of the technical environment
The COOPerator: what it does not support
An introduction to human-computer interfaces
A history of interaction
Toward a user-centered perspective
Object orientation and Direct manipulation
Hypertext and hypermedia
CSCW influences the human-computer interface
The human-computer interface of COOPerator's client application
Separating the human-computer interface: the COOPerator engineering model
The MVC framework and Microsoft Windows ®
The document facility
The agenda
The graphical browser
The mail-facility
A generic toolbar
Conclusions and recommendations
Meet the team that brings you The COOPerator!
Sjoerd Michels
, Tilburg, The Netherlands