Basket of Baguettes. What could be more French than bread! Well, these long loaves of bread anyway. The one French phrase I learned quickly was "Une baguette, s'il vous plait." I was surprised to learn that the word "baguette" works just as well at Zabar's on the upper west side of Manhattan!
Boy and His Baguette. Walking down an avenue, I overtook this child obviously on his way home from an errand to buy bread. Usually, I had no trouble openly photographing Parisians, but I had to sneak this shot because we were both in motion and I didn't want to disturb the boy's evident baguette-induced reverie. My plan was simple: nonchalantly hold the camera at my side, pass the kid, aim and shoot!
I couldn't tell what kind of pose I'd get. He could have been picking his nose or sticking out his tongue or doing any number of nasty things young boys are prone to do! But, voila! He is eating the end of a baguette as he walks!
I am quite sure that French bread has not changed its shape or color or texture or taste since I've been to Paris; but I wonder if Parisians still feel their streets are safe enough to send their young children out on such errands?
Adora with Hat and Bread. I cheated here a little; the bread is half eaten (probably surviving our lunch with the fishermen in the Bois de Boulogne). Adora is holding it up with her hand in her sack.