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What's New on our WWW server

Oct 24, 1995
Art Mulder - set up a cron job to process the Agent_log logfile for totals an percentanges. Added a pointer this to the bottom of the Usage Statistics page. See that document for a better explanation.
Sep 20, 1995
Art Mulder - Minor rework on the Provider Guide to make it easier to find the directory of installed icons.

Reworked the /Icons/ directory a bit to have an index, and installed a new collection of icons from a Stanford U. archive.

If we can provide enough of the popular icons in a central place, then people shouldn't need to copy all these to their home directories.

Aug 23, 1995
Art Mulder - Updated the Links Page
Aug 9, 1995
Rob Lake - Installed a welcoming message from the Chairman as well as a Computing Science alumni registration form.
Jun 23, 1995
Art Mulder - Updated the Home Page Listings page to include undergrad students who have home pages on the research systems. (prior to this, due to a glitch they were included with the grad students)
May 18, 1995
Art Mulder - Some minor cleanup on the New User Information page, and added a link to another 'new user' document.
Mar 27, 1995
Art Mulder - Added a section at the bottom of the CS home page entitled "World Wide Web Info". I took two items out of the 'Local Interest' section, and moved them into this new section. I also added in the link to the new statistics page.
Mar 22, 1995
Art Mulder - Adobe Acrobat Reader 1.0 ("acroread") has been installed on the Research Sun4's. Mosaic and Netscape has been configured to invoke 'acroread' when *.pdf documents are downloaded. (For more information, refer to the posting in the ualberta.cs.software newsgroup)
Mar 2, 1995
Art Mulder - CS Links page tweaks. Added a pointer to the Third International WWW Conference, April 10-14, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany.
Feb 27, 1995
Art Mulder - Main Computing Science home page slightly reworked to contain a table-of-contents at the top, and a few other cosmetic rearrangements.
Feb 27, 1995
Art Mulder - Added a temporary pointer on the CS home page to the University of Alberta Campus Computing Symposium '95 WWW page.
Feb 15, 1995
Art Mulder - (For Computing Science Faculty and Staff Only) Absence report forms are now availalble on line from our WWW server. From the home page, follow the Administration link, and then choose the On-Line Forms link.
Jan 20, 1995
Art Mulder - Cleaned up the Archie Search Form and other options page. (Accessible from the CS dept links page).
Jan 9, 1995
Art Mulder - Added the Edmonton Public Library Catalogue to the CS Links page. I just heard about this on a local newsgroup, I dunno if it is 'official' yet.
Jan 3, 1995
Art Mulder - Updated the Home Page Listings page to add a pointer to a listing of Undergrad Home Pages.
Dec 2, 1994
Art Mulder - Under the 'Services' section on the CS home page, added a Facilities entry. (For listing supported hardware, software, and related)
Nov 8, 1994
Art Mulder - Some generalized HTML cleanups (incomplete, will be ongoing) commenced.
Nov 4, 1994
Rob Lake - Created a Computing Science gif file on the home page to reduce the wasted white space near the top. Also converted all aifc sound files to aiff format.
Nov 4, 1994
Art Mulder - Updated the Provider Guide (`How to make documents available to the World Wide Web from this server.') document with pointers to more WWW & HTML reference material.
Nov 3, 1994
Art Mulder - Updated the Icon Guide (Under the "Becoming a WWW information provider" section) with more Icons.
Nov 2, 1994
Art Mulder - Installed the On-Line Computing Science Phonebook under the 'Personnel' section of the CS home page.
Oct 31, 1994
Art Mulder - Local "What's New" Page created, and placed on the home page.
Oct 28, 1994
Art Mulder - Automatic utility set up to build a list of everyone in the department (research/admin end) who has a WWW home page. Look under the "personnel" heading on the CS home page. A list is created for Faculty, Staff, Grad Students, and Guests & Others
Oct 24(?), 1994
Art Mulder - On the Operations Group page, under the "Software" item, a new `experimental' pointer was added to our on-list of Supported/Installed Software. This includes a Hierarchical index and a Sorted Index, both of which are generated in real-time by cgi scripts.

[Link to UofA] [Link to CS Dept] webmaster@cs.ualberta.ca