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debis Real Estate Management

Project Development / Project Marketing

Project Planning / Project Implementation

Facilities Management / Property Administration

What at first was supposed to be "only" the new headquarters for Daimler-Benz InterServices is now turning into a whole new part of town, right in the center of Berlin: Daimler-Benz's building site at Potsdamer Platz. debis Gesellschaft für Potsdamer Platz Projekt und Immobilienmanagement mbH (dlM) was founded in 1992 by Daimler-Benz combine to realize the massive Potsdamer Platz devel-opment. The laying of the cornerstone in Potsdamer Platz took place on October 29, 1994. According to Italian architect Renzo Piano's master plan, 19 buildings will be erected on approximately 68,000 square meters area, with a total floor space of 340,000 square meters. By the middle of 1997 the Daimler-Benz/debis building, including debis corporate headquarters, will be ready for occupation.

By the end of 1998 a lively part of Berlin will have arisen again with the project at Potsdamer Platz, complete with offices, apartments, retail stores, restaurants, cafes, a musical theater, cinemas, a casino and a grand hotel. dIM's long-term mission is the optimal utilization, development and supervision of Daimler-Benz as well as third-party properties.

To the other divisions:

  • Systemhaus
  • Financial Services
  • Insurance Brokerage
  • Trading
  • Marketing Services
  • Mobile Communication Services

  • © 1995 Daimler-Benz