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debis Insurance Brokerage

Risk Engineering

Industrial insurance / brokerage / risk financing

Business with private customers/employees

Every enterprise entails risks. Competent and comprehensive risk management allows potential risks in production, distribution, and in selling goods and services to be estimated and influenced at an early stage, so that they can be covered by insurance in a cost-effective manner.

In seeking solutions for insurance coverage, it is becoming increasingly important to analyze, prevent, minimize and manage technically complicated risks through detailed project work starting in the preliminary stages. debis Risk Consult, a part of debis Insurance Brokerage, offers this kind of risk engineering in the fields of fire protection, environmental protection, loss of profit, and product safety.The advice offered by debis Insurance Brokerage complements individual risk management with the goal of improving clients' insurance coverage even while reducing overall insurance costs.

To serve clients worldwide directly and on the spot, debis Insurance Brokerage has its own representatives in key markets and also cooperates with Marsh & McLennan, the world's biggest insurance brokers.

In business with private customers, moderately priced insurance coverage is offered to all Daimler-Benz personnel as well as employees of debis Insurance Brokerage clients. Among the customer advisory services offered to clients are, for example, the processing of damage claims.

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