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debis Mobile Communication Services

Mobile Communication
D1 / D2 / E-Plus

Wide Variety of Digital Communication Services

The opening of the telecommunications market and the development of a pan-European GSM standard have created major opportunities for growth in mobile communications.

From the very beginning debitel has met these demanding challenges.

As a private telephone company in the mobile communications sector, debitel has built up a distribution and service network with over 3,000 sales partners. Mobile Communication Services recently initiated activities successfully in both France (2MTEL S.A.) and the Netherlands (debitel Nederland B.V.). The debitel group already had the honor of greeting its 400,000th customer at the CeBIT 1995 electronics fair.

Through the takeover of Bosch Telecom Service GmbH, debitel was in 1994 able to further extend its position as the leading network-independent telephone company in Europe.

debitel's differentiated rate system takes the differing requirements of private and business users into account. debitel offers a wide variety of services to make mobile telephoning more efficient, including parking reservations, the "minutes et more" card for less expensive hotel and rental-car bookings, the Sprint Foncard for cheaper calls to and from overseas, office and city-pilot services, and single-call itemized billing as well as billing by the second.

As a network-independent telephone company, debitel offers its services within the digital D1 and D2 networks as well as E-Plus.

To the other divisions:

  • Systemhaus
  • Financial Services
  • Insurance Brokerage
  • Trading
  • Marketing Services
  • Real Estate Management

  • © 1995 Daimler-Benz